She’s couldn’t even DENY IT!!!!!



Most “transparent” administration ever.

I’m sick of the bleeping lies and division this administration is doing. As the saying goes…I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it ANYMORE!!


  1. This lying Treasury Secretary Yellen has the audacity to keep repeating what her lying piece of shit boss is saying, she is backing him 100% but she knows and it shows in her face that it’s a bonafide lie. The “D” for democrat actually means DECEITFUL and she is part of this deception. I would like to ask her how much money she is making to be able to help Biden spread his lies. She was stumbling about answering that inflation was 1.4% from President Trump when Biden took office but he’s claiming it was 9%. These people will never tell the truth, it’s a fact that she is a liar who has been a puppet for Biden to keep his status looking very good and her paycheck will show she did an excellent service. DISGUSTING 🤮

  2. This geriatric stand in is probably 1/4 the price a new professional would be, and she has been around for years, so she is the diaper wearing Joe Biden femme fatale representing the banking and financial sector. All lies and nonsense.

  3. All the lies this woman spewed out was easy for her to say because she can afford to pay her bills, put gas in her car, and buy groceries with no extra thought on how she is going to make it the rest of the month. I can’t wait to vote Biden out and put someone else in!!!

    • Are you kidding me. She doesn’t pay for a damned thing; she has people to do that for her. I’ll bet dollars to donuts (if I could afford them) that she hasn’t bought a loaf of day-old bread in her miserable life. Not only can’t I stand her feeble, but pathetic little girl voice also I can’t stand to look at her lying face. I hope she goes back to China.


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