DRUNK Nancy Pelosi Claims Trump As Dementia In UNHINGED RANT After Being Confronted With BRUTAL Poll



She’s 84 years old. She has no business being in public office. It made her rich, time to move on.

Joe Biden is fine. Keep him in the race please. TRUMP 2024


  1. Nancy been tasting too much wine from her winery, and she is drunk again…
    Pelosi is the worst congressperson to ever serve. She has only benefited herself and no one else in her district…

  2. As per Madame PELOSI , I feel that she and her greedy cohorts are interested in their personal agenda by virtue of using that poor excuse of a very tired human being known as Mr. Biden. As per Mr. Biden he is basically taking the so called rap by virtue of the darling madams and their male cohorts so long as they are in power with their party. It is amazing how anyone might be obtuse in not realizing that their wanton greed cares little or nothing at all who is the president or from which party as long as they have their selfish greedy hands on the millions if indeed not billions or trillions that they have usurped from this once : ( U N I T E D ) STATES OF AMERICA. As per Mr. Trump : WELL since he does act and seemingly comes on as a somewhat dictatorial MALE or just maybe in the minds of the BANSHEES as a dominating CHAUVANISTIC CREATURE . I say : ” HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU WANT FROM THAT POOR HENPECKED SORT OF A HUMAN BEING KNOWN AS MR. BIDEN THE SUPPOSEDLY PRESIDENT OF THE ONCE (U N I T E D) STATES OF AMERICA ?????????????????????

  3. To all the comments above, spot on. And for those still unconviced what this cancer has done to San Francisco, the one time jewel of the golden state, along with the rest of the liberal trash running the quality of life here into the sewer a good look and smell is in order. San Francisco under the liberals (nasty pigliosi lives here in a gated mansion in Pacific Heights far away from the filth and stench of the streets reeking like toilets, homeless encampments and crime foisted on the residents here who for some reason known only to God keep pissing away their votes on this POS), has become more 3rd world than some 3rd world countries and recently got the moniker the ‘new doo-doo’ capital of the USA due to all the piss and SHIT stinking up the streets and sidewalks that some neighborhoods are biohazards. This will convince you immediately just what she is all about and it isn’t San Francisco, Califronia’s a mess as well. In her almost 40 years in government she’s done nothing but become obscenely rich on the taxpayers dime all while flipping the middle finger behind her back to the fools who keep her in office and laughing all the way to the bank. Who votes for this SHIT and this goes fo newsom, (nasty pigliosi’s nephew) the destroyer of San Francisco as mayor and now California as governor along with all the liberals or progressives or whatever these wortheless do nothing for the voters idiots are calling themselves these days to sound less dangerous.

  4. Nancy Pelosi has lived off American citizens flying from Washington to SFO and I would love a deposit made to my checking account just for all the booze she has charged to us. If a politician dies, we get to pay for all the flowers. We pay for the water they drink in meetings. Anything they want we pay for yet they are the ones telling us “if we want to save democracy, we have to vote Democrat. b.s. this Administration is anything but democracy.


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