Watch Kamala Harris Get Angry as NBC Host Calmly Corrects Her Lie


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Kamala Harris’ disastrous interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, where he called her out for lying about visiting the border during the migrant crisis.


I don’t understand how anyone can claim that Kamala Harris is intelligent.

She laughs because it reduces the personal impact of her lies


  1. Hilarious,
    The Border Czar has never been to the border.
    has no Idea where it is in Reality.
    and for that matter has no idea what Reality is !

    • Supposedly she has been to the border once but not where there are major breaches. It was also “cleaned up” before her and her delegates’ visit. Problem, what problem? If she can’t see it, it doesn’t exist. Even though the news shows border invasions on a daily basis, the Dems will never admit it. They have a lot of ignorant or equally corrupt followers and the border crisis will never be fixed under their watch.

  2. Why this people Burned 🔥 our Americans Flag ? And not putting in Jail! Why if we Burned they Flag what gonna say ? They Ned those get punishment Burned our Americans Flag! If u don’t like Americans Flag go back to ur County u luv it !

    • Don’t kill the messenger but burning the American flag has been considered an expression of free speech. If anyone would think about it, it should be considered a form of hate speech against those who love the country’s flag and the memory of those that have lost their lives defending it. Why would anyone that loves their country vote to elect for the Presidency or other office someone who supports those who burn the countries symbol? But they will vote for them none the less whether the act is legal or not.

      • I am a disabled veteran and totally agree. Burning the American flag is against the constitution unless it is because the flag is in very bad condition. They burn our flag, we burn them. Tit for tat.

        • I agree, but how come the people who were at J6 are still in the gulags of Washington and these traitors are walking around free. Personally, I would bring in the guard and tell them to bust heads. These people are the ones committing treason. Oh, and the one painting Hamas on the statue I would have grabbed him by the legs and pulled him down, momentum would have busted the hell out of his head thus ending his treason. Thanks, for your service.

          • Because they are anti-Americans and will vote for the corrupt anti-American Dem Politicians over and over again. Once again, double standards in a two-tier justice system. There needs to be a defined law that makes burning the flag a punishable hate crime against America except for VA ceremonies that burn worn flags honorably. The simple solution – if one hates America, LEAVE. No one is holding a gun to your head to stay here. Go to some uncharted island somewhere and start your own deranged civilization. You’ll eventually kill each other because that’s who you are.

    • Your comments are well taken and patriotic, though your sentence structure is somewhat lacking. You would have better reception if you took some night classes in English and spilling. Good thoughts all the same.

  3. I thought they held conventions to choose who they wanted to run for president..?..I also thought that the only way a vice president took over was when the president was killed or in case it’s a democrat president he vacated the office of president..? I guess what we have is a king Biden and queen Jill..only good thing about this is Obama loses his brain dead puppet…goodbye Mr. Faggot

  4. Harris is going to be Obama’s new puppet just like Biden was, same shit different person. The liberal left has a constant ritual that they live by and that is they say a lie enough times people will believe it. That maybe true for some people but I truly believe the majority of this country has seen through their mind boggling brainwashing techniques that they are not capable of doing anything about the truth or the fact that they don’t have any regard to the people who once believed in them. The left doesn’t care about the people of this country, what they do care about is themselves with keeping control, power and money. Harris is evil, cold hearted and a narcissist who would stand there and watch you burn alive then go about her day as if nothing happened. She is not a patriotic person even though she claims to love our country, it’s a lie. She’s never been to the border, her staff probably was but SHE was not. The sad part of all of this is people who don’t follow the news and information about her they will vote for her because she is a candidate for the first female president, not because she is qualified or would be a strong leader to protect our country. They will vote for her because she’s a woman. That is the saddest part about this election. She’s not going to be a leader that we the people deserve but a destroyer of our democracy. Please think about what all of you are voting for and please vote as if your life depends on it… because it truly does.

  5. Not just our lives, but our children’s and grandchildren lives. What kind of country are we leaving them if the democrats keep power? Wake up, people!

  6. Why not let her just be nominated and run for office! Trump just needs to be put to rest and our country shine as it should. She has the best concern for this country, not Trump who just cares about himself. Our country does not deserve a character like him!!!!

  7. Oh David, get over yourself…, she did fine! She can’t be everywhere all at once and she makes amazing sense that you want to get to the root problem. The fact that you’re focusing on the superficial shows you don’t understand her point and you’re just trying to find something to pick on and look intelligent.

  8. She kept saying she was in Guatemala to work on the root causes. OK So what is she doing to address these “root causes”. I understand digging to find the underlying problems but one cannot ignore the immediate crisis while looking into the root causes. What exactly is she doing and what exactly did she find, if any??????????????


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