Trump Assassin TRAINED With Federal Agents At GUN RANGE!? Mysterious Visits To DC, This Is INSANE



That bullet was centimeters away from starting a civil war. Americans are fed up.

She should of not been allowed to resign…She should have been fired…Now she can receive all her retirement benefits from the government…She should get nothing…


  1. Her retirement benefits aren’t coming from the government, they’re coming from the taxpayers, we the people. She is directly responsible for almost assassinating the people’s President. Everyone involved should be treated as if they were a Republican.

  2. Not surprised at anything the far left does. ANYTHING!!! what. Surprises is…they keep getting away with it. Their very hot eternity is coming . tho…..they can’t cheat their way out of.

  3. Conspiracy– I don’t care what anyone thinks, I formed my own thoughts. The liberal left along with government help found their pawn in Thomas Crooks. How does anyone get that close to President Trump to try and assassinate (murder) him. Person after person said there was a person on the roof with a rifle. Where were the security dogs and the S.S. the military and police dept. to sniff out and deal with the present problem. There is too much of a cover up, the same as the JFK assassination. We may never know the truth as to who was involved. Wither you like Trump as a person or as our president is up to you, what was done is completely wrong and investigations outside the white house need to be started immediately. I for one don’t trust the politicians in what they say. Too many $ changes hands to buy silence. We live now in a very scary and violent world, you can escape all this drama by accepting Jesus as your own personal Lord and Savior. Will things get better here on earth probably not but accepting Jesus is your ticket to a righteous eternity with Him.


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