This is completely embarrassing. We must work hard to defeat these 2 Communists. #BlacksForTrump

Voting for Kamala after getting rid of Joe is like changing your shirt after you shit your pants.


  1. Magas Maggots and VERMINS.( Donald Trump favorite word to describe his Rivals). The age old words of wisdom are: TELL US WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE? WE TELL YOU WHO YOU REALY ARE. SO go ahead Maggots, vote for your HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY THE CONVICTED FELLON AND REGISTERED SEX OFFENER.

    • So you rather vote for Harris who has taken a page out of Hitlers playbook,when it comes to you liberals your stupidity is outstanding,Harris was the most unqualified VP we ever had in office and she sure isn’t qualified to be president but that means nothing to the traitor illiterate liberals,you rather see America become a socialist country than vote for someone who already has proven he’s a good president

    • He is NOT a registered sex offender.
      If you really believe the way the country is being run is better than when Trump was in office , you are too young to remember everything he did FOR this country or are brainwashed by the MSM to believe mush for brains isn’t trying to destroy us .
      A vote for them , WE LOSE THIS COUNTRY.

  2. If all you can do is lie then that definitely makes you a Dim. and a slanderer which is a crime. That makes you no better then the person you just railed against. Unless of course you have proof of what you posted.

    • Lying, cheating, plagiarizing are all the Dems EVER have to run on, not to mention an attempted assassination. The Kool-Aid drinkers just soak it up. What exactly have the Dems done FOR America and the American people? A big fat zero.

  3. Donald Trump has been investigated more than any person in history and found innocent and as far as being a felon I think the Supreme Court says differently..the only thing a democrat can do is name calling and slander…not one word or better yet not one deed of doing something for Americans except persecuting Trump..even if they manage to railroad him to prison I will still vote for him…what’s next..nail him to a cross..?..who in their right mind votes for people who jacked your grocery bill sky high and the price of gasoline and car insurance is jacked up prices of nearly everything..takes a idiot to be a democrat…there how is that for name calling …telling the truth..something a democrat can’t do

    • Stated perfectly!
      The one thing that flairs its ugly head up about Dems: When they accuse Republicans for doing something, it’s alway’s something’s that Dems have done, and not Republicans.
      Why would anyone be in favor of us getting $92T of cash together and sending it to a “Paris Green Program” to make weather cleaner whe China is building more Coke Burners polluting the air and doesn’t have to comply? Or does China have huge glass walls around’t it’s border that extend to the heavens and those coke burners won’t effect the rest of the world? “Barrack, Joke and Kamala” trying to waste our money. Why would you beg for your southern border to be over-run by illegal, invaders that want to destroy you financially, as they have no funds to survive once here, and thousands are murderers and every kind of rapist criminal you can imagine, and our country will fly them anywhere in our country, feed them, give them cash and put them up in 4&5 star hotels, when we have homeless veterans in the street? U.N.-Meritted Garland, “Impeached” Alexandro Mayjerka$$, Barry “O’Kenyan” Soetero, Joke Bribem and Chameleon Harris. Once out of office, they need to be personally sued by the families of those that have been murdered! And receive “all-inclusive” Leavenworth-for-Life vacations, with all holdings and retirements confiscated and returned to our treasury. Those named above are only involved with one program for our country, and that’s the total over-throw of the USA, and nothing less! And now they are out to take away our 1st Amendment. This will lead to the attempt to take away the 2nd Amendment. But I have one thing to say about that: Good Luck!

  4. Elias, sounds like you’ve been drinking from the fountain of ignorance. For the past 4 years, has your life improved? Has your financial situation improved? For some strange reason, I’m paying more for fuel, groceries etc. It didn’t start until the Democrats took over. So, get ready for Trump’s return!!!!!!

  5. Fill all comode basins with Democrats and use the master flush lever
    to flush them all out!!!! The tank is filling….and come election day
    the MASTER LEVER will be pushed and Demo’s GONE DOWN THE
    DRAIN!!! Then we will have our country BACK!!!! It’s coming…
    Just be sure to vote correctly to save our country!!! RRRRRRRRRRR
    You’ll be glad you did!!!!And so will the rest of America that want
    Americas greatness to be shinning again!!!!!


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