This is WHY Donald Trump will win the 2024 ELECTION!!!!



The WORLD needs Trump immediately !!

This is good vs evil. Trump 2024.


  1. Okay so you have a good point, Kamel-la is a media fake, but what if the democrats pulled Kamel-la and shoved Michael Obama down your throats…??? Would you swallow that to keep the democrats and Marxist’s in power???

  2. If it is the good vs. evil game then good always beats evil in the end. Trump is going to win because Kamala is a communist and I’m pretty sure that most if not all of the Americans will be leaving America. America will be a ghost nation and Kamala won’t have anyone to be a dictator for! She sucks as a vice president and she is in over head for the presidency. Trump 2024!

  3. WOW But TRULY TRUMPsy CAN NOT even Be able to Read this as He Does NOT have a Brain ๐Ÿง  or a Heart ๐Ÿ’œ or a Mind or a Soul or a REAL ANYTHING ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฎโœ…

    • You have to be a complete illiterate to support this corrupt,anti-american administration after the damage they have done to America but obviously being a liberal you prove your stupidity

    • If THE DONALD does not โ€˜have a brainโ€™ or a mind, please explain how he might have one without the other. Your statement sounds rather odd to me. And since you brought it up, please explain WHY you believe Kamala exhibits the intelligence, insight, experience, judgement, fortitude and strength-of-character needed to be The Leader of the Free World. Those characteristics are vital for the Presidency, even necessary. I look forward to your response. This is interesting; I stand to learn something useful. Thanks.

      • A lib never will respond to questions posed by David Wynsen. They lack intelligence to respond. They run to Mommy’s basement and cower in fear and cry .

    • You just described the democrat cult !!
      No brain mind .heart or soul !! Nit when you belong to the satanic democrat cult you having a heart or soul is forbidden by Satan.
      Can’t have a brain either or you would see the corruption and lies spread by your communist masters!!

    • The one without a brain, doesn’t actually know how to put her policies into action or know what her policies are, and cannot speak without a teleprompter is Kamala. She has no experience on the foreign stage, hated the Trump wall and made fun of it and now says she believes in the wall, did not believe in fracking but now does, doesn’t have her own policies so steals Trumps policies, supported and signed bills for trillions and destroyed our economy for the last 3 and 1 /2 years is KAMALA. She and Biden have created inflation to the point people cannot buy their groceries and fill their cars with gasoline. It will be worse if you elect her. She has no idea how to stop inflation. She thinks you spend more money or give it away and it will stop inflation. Think again people. We have to have Trump to save this country from a depression and socialism which is almost upon us.

    • Kamala won’t debate Trump !!
      Who doesn’t have a brain ?? Why is she so scared ?? You libs say she is intelligent and would wipe floor with Trump !! Why aren’t you pressuring her to debate him ?? What are YOU afraid of ??. I would like to see how intelligent she is !!
      She is nothing but a prostitute !! Didn’t do anything as VEEP and border czar !!
      And as Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID..”
      the lib cult has no intelligence!! They are too how to think and what to say !! They can’t even tell you why they support Kamala. They just do want a typical cult does and they do what they are told

  4. Donald Trump is a very intelligent man. He was a good president. The airheads are cackling Kammy and dopey Joe Biden. Dopey Joe belongs in a nursing home and cackling Kammy’s IQ can’t be much higher than her shoe size. Thankfully, cackling Kammy’s “honeymoon” phase appears to be over. She will crash like dopey Joe did if she has to debate Trump.

  5. Harris would be disasterous for America. She is from California and if you believe her BS ‘it’ll be better next time’ you have your head up your keester or been smoking bad weed ( legal in California since 1996). If you still want the USA to look and be like Califronia, this’ll become the next 4 year long nightmare, guaranteed! Hopefully enough people can see through the smoke and mirrors and had enough manure shoved in their face and had enough of the liberals


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