Why Kamala’s Campaign Is Spiraling Into Desperation Mode | Ep. 1438



If they thought Kamala would make a great president, they would have her speaking as much as possible. Not the opposite.

It doesn’t take 400 years to “catch up” to the rest of the country. It takes one generation of fathers in homes to fix the problem.


  1. It’s true. Cackling Kammy is in desperation mode. She knows she will most likely lose. And I hope she does lose. She’s an airhead. She’s not qualified to be anything. Joe Biden wasn’t qualified to be president either. His “presidency” was a total disaster and cackling Kammy has nothing to offer except more of the same.

  2. Jan, Lawrence, James, you are forgetting that Harris was a prosecutor, and then became Attorney General. tRump is a convicted felon. You have to think she knows how to handle tRump—and his ramblings. “Childcare is childcare.” Do any of you have any idea what he means by that?

    • Does anyone remember “cashless bail” letting some pretty serious criminals on the loose rather than jail time. She supported the “Black Lives Matter” which turned out to be a scam, profiting its founders without doing anything for the communities. Look to what happened to San Francisco in the past few years if you want to see results. We are all in trouble if people don’t consider her past performance.

      • Jim Wellington – here is some information that you are missing (You will have to remove the extra spaces to be able to use the link – this site down’t allow links):

        “In California, the state Supreme Court (NOT KAMALA HARRIS) has ruled to end cash bail if a defendant can’t afford to pay. The decision centers around the case of retired shipyard worker Kenneth Humphrey. In 2017, he was arrested and accused of stealing $7 and a bottle of cologne from his San Francisco neighbor. The court set bail at $600,000 and later reduced it to $350,000. Humphrey couldn’t afford to pay that. And now the California Supreme Court has written that, quote, “conditioning freedom solely on whether an arrestee can afford bail is unconstitutional.”

        “Katherine Hubbard has worked on Humphrey’s behalf since the case’s initial filing. She’s an attorney at Civil Rights Corps.”

        Source: https: //www.npr.org/2021/03/29/982417595/california-does-away-with-cash-bail-for-those-who-cant-afford-it

        “Harris’s historically expansive view of the police and incarceration are not aligned with the Black Lives Matter movement. She has mocked protesters’ signs and chants calling for more schools and fewer jails. ‘There’s a fundamental problem with that approach, in my opinion,’ she said at a 2013 policy talk. ‘I agree with that conceptually, but you have not addressed the reason I have three padlocks on my front door.’”

        Source: https: //www.vox.com/2020/8/13/21364795/kamala-harris-vice-president-joe-biden-black-lives-matter

        “Black Lives Matter Group Declines to Endorse Kamala Harris”

        Source: https: //www.pbs.org/video/black-lives-matter-group-declines-to-endorse-kamala-harris-ufooot/

  3. Lynette, I remiss to be rude, but cackling Kammy screwed her way to the top. She jumped in bed with her superiors. She’s an airhead. Then dopey Joe “chose” her to be his VP. God, please don’t allow this useless bitch to become our next president.

    • Yes, Jan, as all other US Presidents in the history of this country, Joe Biden as the presidential candidate chose the candidate — in this case Kamala Harris –for the vice presidency as his running mate in the lead-up to the presidential election. Who’s the airhead? Learn some.


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