CNBC Host EXPLODES On ABC Moderators As They FACE MASSIVE BACKLASH For RIGGING Debate Against Trump!



Voters like me are tired of these one-sided attacks on Trump.
ABC was horrible.

President Trump will get my third vote!


    • Good perception. I too was so irritated by her big time lies after lies and keep bashing at Trump like she is the perfect sinless creature. Also she avoided answering the tough question about the borders. Kamala is unfit to serve as president and will unleash DISASTER if she is elected.

  1. I’m a poker player who loves to read opponents’ “tells.” Harris has a tell too! She becomes detectably “nasal” when she lies. Every time she lies her vocalizing changes to that very annoying nasal speech.

  2. She needs to be HANGED !!!
    @GITMO !!!

    Along with all the other CORRUPT politicians. DEEP STATE CABAL and all the rest of TREASONOUS BASTARDS !!

  3. Question by the Moderator, David Muir to Trump of “Do you regret on your actions in 2020 insurrection” was totally unnecessary and was bashing at Trump, which it showed a great partialities to Kamala. The question should have never been used for the debate because the Democrats have caused all these problems for Trump by throwing all of his incoming ballots and trashed some of his ballots that came in later. I don’t blame Trump’s reaction to that wicket actions of Dems. Even the dogs will bark or bite the people when they are being mistreated or their food being take away from them. The actions of the Democrats were nothing but Evil and so corrupted.

  4. Building an opportunity economy, Kamala said? Wow, welcome to her preaching, lying lips. Let’s focus on the current America’s economy situations. It has fallen too far and what the hell is she talking about? She is nothing but a laughing and jive clown, that is what she is. She thinks that Americans are stupid who have no eyes to see. Look at her history as to how she got into the stepping stone to climb up the political ladder, spreading her legs to the married man and committing adultery, which this is against God’s will? How cheap can a person get? Is she not ashamed of herself?

    • The far-left Dems have no shame and no morals. They will do whatever it takes to win. Blatant lying, cheating, setups, assassination attempts – whatever it takes.

      • cowards in Amerika, scared of perverts and sissies, do NOT protect their children from an abusive gov’t., do no longer “love thy neighbor”, have a 2nd amendment but no backbone or a pair of gonads between their legs. A gun is useless to a coward. GOD hates cowards, they don’t trust Him! How much more can you stand? How much more money will you send to the Den of Corruption?

  5. Kamala tried so hard to be calm and collective but when Trump points out the true about Kamala, she get very nervous and making faces and nodding her heads and putting her hands on her chin, her voice changes through her nose, which all these showing of her to be too unprofessionalism and people will see all of her deceptions. America deserves another Debate because the Moderators were highly in partialities with Kalama and kept on bashing at Trump with the difficult question and let’s Kamala get away with unanswered, but keeps getting after Trump. Lindsey was the worse one to pick on Trump with her sly calm behavior questions. If you can see that David’s face turns more frowning state when he looks at Trump to ask questions and nicer face gestures when looking at Kamala. Man, it was too obvious that the Moderators were totally in Kamala’s favor. America deserves another Debate with no invisible spy-micro ear piece device on Kamala’s right/left ear, and to be checked her ears for absence of the device and the questions should not be offered to Kamala before the debate like it happened on this debate, and the Moderators should be totally different people who they don’t know either Kamala or Trump. David Muir and Lindsey Davis should highly accountable for the people’s suspicions of unfairness of the debate, period!

  6. Speaking of Moderators being so unfair to Trump, I wonder how much did they receive from Kamala for degrading Trump and his reputations to the world with the harsh questions against Trump. The Moderators should accountable for their participating with the bribes that they received by Kamala who was the personal close friends with the person who runs the ABC news and they did exactly their bosses instructed them to do so? Thank you Kelley for revealing the whole truth about the hidden deception of the debate. It was 3 against 1, therefore this debate should be a absolute non-existence, and there should be another debate. David Muir and Lindsey Davis should be fired from their jobs. We do not need the dishonest anchors telling all the lying news into our ears no more.

  7. Excellent job of pointing out the biases from the so-called moderators. I did not pick up on a lot of the subtleties franckly because I expected them to be a lot worse. I can’t bring myself to watch it again so I can point to an example so I admit I could be wrong, but I remember Trump being hounded to “please answer the question” about January 6 yet Kamala Harris strayed off topic about if the economy was better or worse than it was in 2020 without them calling her into account. I have zero respect for the mainstream media, it is an embarrassment to our nation. I have tremendous respect for the work you do on this website.

  8. Harris was rehearsed and knew all of the questions that were going to be asked. It’s a remake of the debate between Donald Trump and Killary Clinton, her knowing what questions were being asked. Also the ABC jerkoffs constantly fact checking Donald Trump and not Harris was disgusting and totally wrong. This debate was a farce and it was not anywhere fair to Donald Trump but it sure favored Kameltoe Harris who is a compulsive liar and traitor to this beautiful country.

    • There is a video out there saying Kamala was wearing earrings that were said to contain little microphones so she could get help with the debate.

  9. Did none of you see Trump and his sweaty face with the make-up missing under his eyes? He was his usual angry, lying self – dissing immigrants as usual. Ugh. REPULSIVE.

  10. I definitely think there should be another debate with impartial moderators so they can fact check some of Kamala’s lies. There were many. I can’t believe anyone would vote for her. Go Trump!

  11. Kacklea didn’t answer a single question. She danced around them all. But, that’s not what voters wanted to hear. The evil witch lied repeatedly about Trump and his plans. The moderators should be fired immediately and NEVER work for another news agency again. They were both disgusting.


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