BREAKING NEWS: They are LYING about Hurricane Helene DISASTER!!



Fema does not want Starlink because the public will know the truth.

Anyone who blocks aide should be arrested


  1. Let’s leave off any further overseas assistance for the time being and help our own American people, who actually paid in those funds and are desperately in need of help from the hurricane damages. The leading Government folks are obviously crooks who are interested solely in robbing the funds paid in by citizens. They just don’t care about our citizens. I hope they do not get any votes at all in the upcoming election and are held in prison for the rest of their lives. Yes, I mean the Pres. and Vice Pres. They do not deserve mercy from authorities.

  2. They(the biden administration)ALL needs to be CONVICTED for crimes against THE USA and be held accountable for this. And if this is because of misappropriation of funds then they should be put immediately in prison and held for TREASON against the USA.

  3. If anyone votes to give money to go overseas they need to be removed from office. That has to happen yesterday we pay for all of this. It is the time for ALL GOOD MEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THE COUNTRY. As an AMERICAN we need to take this country back today. We can pull the plug on DC and run this Country the way it should be run.

  4. Nothing will happen to these treasonous bastards (the Biden regime). They’ll all skate. Vote for Trump. Don’t reward cackling Kammy by voting for her.

  5. President Clinton signed Updated Executive Order 10998 in 1994, which included a law that allows the federal government to seize hoarded food supplies from both public and private sources.

    In 1994, President Clinton issued Executive Order 12919, which includes the confiscation of water resources in addition to all food that is “capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals.”

    In 2012, President Obama signed Executive Order 13603, which allows the federal government to seize and re-distribute water, food, and other resources when the U.S. is in a state of emergency.

  6. I’ve certainly had enough of the ineptitude and lack of substance and leadership (ha!) that Biden and his clown VP have shown in full detail. Trump is the MAN I VOTED FOR TWICE AND WILL HAVE MY THIRD VOTE, SO HELP ME, GOD.

  7. They are definitely America Last and I am sick of their constant lies. There are now 2,000 dead from this hurricane and FEMA has denied aid. This infuriates me!!!!!! These scum need to be convicted all of them who are turning their backs on Americans.

  8. The History of the Democratic Party, is Dark, it was created by slave masters for the preservation of slavery and promotion of slavery, in what ever form it takes.

    there were a number of times when this Party threatend to leave the Union, one such time was when Andrew Jackson a founder and slave owner squashed this threat, he was an American First.

    finally when they did not get there way they started to leave the Union but not all Democrats and this includes Jefferson Davis was in favor of leaving the Union

    when he finally accepted the position of President of the C.S.A. he organized a committee to try and negotiate with Lincoln who gave him the cold shoulder.

    thus the war was on and it was a bloody War, with the Union winning.

    however, Democratic Slavers were up to their old tricks and urged the formation of what would become the KKK, they suppressed the black vote, equal rights and segragation, and murder Lynchings and terrorism, President Grant stood up to them and shut them down, for a time , but the klan would continue to rise again and again through out our history.

    in 1865 the Republicans in Congress desegregated the Civilian Branch of the Federal Government, this would remain so until our first Klan President Woodrow Wilson , whi as Governor of New Jersey practiced Eugenics the forced Sterilization of People, so they could not reproduce
    they Supported Margret Sanger an American Nazi who founded plant Parent Hood, the object was to exterminate the black race in America through abortion Murder.

    Hitler gave a number of American scientists awards in the 1930’s for their work in Eugenics and Abortion and heaped praise upon the Democratic party, in the early days of his demented evil empire

    The problem with to days Democratic party is they forced the last of the good democrats out, the party today is run by Godless individuals who hate US, and Look down on us and despise all of us, that is why they want Illegal Alien Invaders, and give them Thousands of dollars , apartments and housing and cars no questions asked.

    They have misspent Trillions of Dollars, destroyed businesses and driven people on to welfare, the Unemployment lines and homelessness has risen dramatically, along with drug addiction, and suicides and drug over doses

    this is why I call them the Demo Nazi Party, Demo is short for Demonic .

    • Mark Tercsak,

      Trump gave Putin COVID-19 tests in 2020 which should have gone to Americans. What do you think about that?

  9. The Democrats give to a foreign country but America csn all fo to hell as far as they are concerned. They do not care. What they care about is now trying to do a land grab. They are worse than evil they are snakes in the grass. I pray our American people will be rescued and reunited with family. So many of their families are desd and they have the nerve tivtell them they will dilldoze their land bodies and all. Just how sick is this administration and FEMA. You all are a disgrass to our Nation i think you are committing treason so they all go to prison

  10. My son is there with electricians and he told me hundreds of dead bodies everywhere and the smell is horrible. I’m worried for his mental health…..and where is our govt?

  11. What do you expect from Biden and Harris. They are both a-holes and
    deserve to be disbarred from EVER holding office. I voted for Trump and will always vote for Trum[. He got the job DONE.


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