Host Gets Visibly Angry as Her Trap for JD Vance Backfires



JD Vance was not my pick to be Trumps running mate, but at this point, he seems the best pick. An inspired choice for sure.

This woman is what’s wrong with the media


  1. Hello from Sanctuary Denver!!!! We are just thrilled that this twat thinks that just a “few” builings are being over run and the landlord beat to shit is just fine. As long as her skinny, white, privleged ass is not at their mercy. The left wing is well represented by this btch… They are the reason this is happening.. THEY are the problem and are trying to divert it to the right wing.. The coin has fllipped. They are the Man, they are the Machine and we need to get rid of them or lose the country.

  2. Me again… this new view of crime has infested every sector of America the Beautiful… Its only a few rapes, a few murders, a few shops moving /closing due to shoplifting gone unpunished, a few cars jacked, a few drive bys… These a-holes are insane and blind… What a combo.. They have to be right all the time.. Look at Martha’s Vineyard when the ilegals were bussed there.. They called the guard and hauled their asses off to a military base… That says it ALL

  3. I Agree With Jan Too, JD Vance Will Make A Great VP And Hopefully Someday A Great President!! Markey, You Are Spot On Too, Need To Vote Republican And Get Rid Of These Left Wingers!!

  4. …the false premise of the two guys analysis is that anyone on the Globalist’s treasonous team care about facts being delivered in a sane, calm manner. They don’t. They are not asking questions to become more informed, they are asking questions designed to put the opposition guest on the spot in hopes they screw up somehow. Does anyone really think JD Vance changed that journalistic prostitute’s mind? No. Perhaps he changes a few viewer’s mind or informs them how to defend their position a bit better…but no, for the interviewer. ..the die is cast.

  5. every state that has illegal criminals should find some land ( government owned) fence it off and put them in trailers. they can pay rent to live in them. we should not have to build houses for them. nobody built my house for me. they deserve nothing more or they can go home

    • BRAVO! There area couple of problems with your plan, however; WE are the government and WE THE PEOPLE OWN THE LAND, and how many more will have to be hired to collect the rent that we know they will not pay?

  6. I love it! If we didn’t have 25,000,000 illegals we wouldn’t have ….
    A housing shortage
    BILLIONS of tax dollars that should have gone to AMERICAS going to Illegals.
    Illegal crimes including rapes and murders.
    Death of Americans by fentanyl.

    All of this caused by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden so they can increase their voter base. They are literally using your and my tax dollars to pay for votes.

  7. JD Vance didn’t change that journalistic prostitute’s mind, but he did put her down. They should put the illegal freeloaders in giant tents with no privacy, until they can be deported. If they don’t like it, they can deport themselves and go home.

    • I suppose the residents of the apartment building and the Republican mayor are also liars?
      We have to have legitimate stories with irrefutable evidence if we are to gain any traction.
      Take this story and trace it back to its origins… the sleazy landlord started this untrue rumor. I understand being upset about illegal immigrants but this specific incident has been wholly investigated and found to be untrue. Focus on the real, evidence-based scenarios; throwing weight behind these false stories doesn’t help the cause, it makes us look like idiots and conspiracy theorists. Ignore Conspiracy THEORY, focus on Conspiracy Realities. There are PLENTY of real things to draw attention to with real evidence that cannot be ignored by the Left.


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