NYC Calls On Army… As Migrant Gang Invades Queens



Wait a minute, allowing criminals into the country resulted in more crime?! That’s crazy. Who would have thought

Why bother looking for criminals on the street when they’re already in office?


  1. Any illegal freeloaders who are looting and assaulting citizens, should be shot. I remember when NY City idiot mayor Adams burped that migrants are a boon to the community, they commit less crime than citizens and yada yada. Now he’s finding out otherwise. Now be burps that they’re destroying NY City, yet he’s still finding hotels to put them in, at taxpayer expense.

  2. Yep, that’s what happens when you allow illegals into your country! We can’t do that with any country so why would we. Drag the governor out of her office and take her down to see that mess! If she doesn’t want to fix it put her in jail for putting the city and state in jeopardy! You just can’t fix stupid! The criminals are smarter than the politicians. Hochul needs to be in prison no it’s ands, or buts

  3. This is a Biden/Harris caused problem. Millions of unvetted aliens invited and paid to stay here. Harris and Biden both should be arrested for treason. Everyone picked up by police or army should be deported immediately – Democrat DAs and Judges should be removed for enabling this crime surge. It will take decades to clean up the mess this corrupt and incompetent administration has caused. New York is finished as a tourist destination. It is unsafe. Open sale of stolen merchandise is rampant. Subways and train stations are unsafe. Democrats are unable/unwilling to run a city. Look at every city where they rule. All are hell holes. When will dumb people learn that who you vote for matters. Not one agency in this government is run correctly. All are run by Democrats.

  4. Just bring out the GUILLOTINE for these UNWANTED INVADERS!!!
    Start HANGING them in TIMES SQUARE on live television for the WHOLE WORLD to see. I would hope the rest of the world will take notice.


  5. Gee it was just yesterday where Kamala Harris was blasting Donald Trump for threatening to send in Army troops to arrest people. Well I guess the Democrats got to do that before Trump is elected.

  6. Don’t just blame it on the governor how’s about our city council. All they want to do is take the streets away from the people who pay for them and give it to all these people riding around on motorcycles without license plates and no license to drive

  7. Did they ever think of hiring Police and give them the ATHORTY to stop crime there That could be done IF they really wanted crime stopped But you cant have Cops going to jail for doing there job like some citys want They knew most time ahead of the crime to be on the look out

  8. Sgt.Major E, Yes they did it started the day they occupied DC, they even ran on opening the border, Me I don’t feel sorry for NY , Democrats voting for the Politicians they have. Obviously you must have been deployed and didn’t watch much TV. I’m old and I can guarantee if you ever fought in a war it was one that started under a Democrat. Just like the wars that are going on now , all because Biden pulled the troops out of Afghanistan, Killing 13 troops , and abandoned we don’t know how many. But then bring under Democratic rule we will never know. This Illegal invasion is because of Biden /Harris and the Democrats doing. And I guess you don’t see Harris trying to buy black votes either. Which proves she’s a racist, you know the very thing Democrats have blamed Trump of being, Myself I could care less if the illegals tear NY to the ground. It doesn’t deserve the protection of the NG or military , they didn’t give it to Trump on Jan.6, 2021 because Nancy Pelosi denied it, So you know it was a setup caused by the Democratic Party. And it is being proven . And I will never stop fighting to get Pelosi arrested for it. Best thing I ever done was leave the Democratic Party , It has never changed, and it never will . The only difference between 1865 and today is that Democrats are trying to enslave white people. OH yes since you are so knowledgeable about your party , I’m sure you remember Joe Biden saying that he will change the color of this country. If Democrats haven’t stomped out entire freedom of speech out yet , you might be able to find that video on Google, I know they had the Obama story deleted , you know the one true story about where he was born , and it wasn’t Hawaii, Yeah I’m glad I’m no longer a Democrat. Yeah everything that’s going on in this country is because of Democrats


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