Election Fraud CAUGHT: Non-Citizen Voted ILLEGALLY In Swing-State! Felony Charges, Vote Will COUNT!?



Voter ID shouldn’t be debated, it should be DEMANDED

Have them arrested!!!


  1. These ILLEGALS need to be in prison at Gitmo for life. Bet they wont be laughing then after their votes have been destroyed and not counted. That goes for any ILLEGAL and those who let them vote.

    • how many more do we need until IT is wide spread? half a million? one million? we don’t see any of the 81 million, complaining about sloppy Joe being pushed out of the nominating process. The DIM sheepole don’t know they got ripped off again, just like 2016

    • Perhaps the FAR LEFT LIBERAL DEMONCRAT EXTREMISTS who are allowing this illegal voting should also be in prison at Gitmo!

  2. Benny. If you are telling the truth, if you are making a difference, they will be coming for you. I hope to GOD above that Trump wins. The left is evil.

  3. Voting is a privilege to all Legal Citizens. Each American should be happy and honored that we live in that we have a voice hat is heard each time we cast out vote

  4. This was the socialists plan all along, get as many illegal invaders in as possible, get them to vote so the socialist democrats can stay in power. It doesn’t matter how much damage they do to our country, as long as the muslim Obama and his cohorts can keep their criminal empire intact!

  5. Only Judges that want to enrich themselves would not know how to subtract illegal votes…. that is why the democrats have allow the invasion of America to corrupt our elections!

  6. There’s a reason the ‘rats are allowing all the illegal freeloaders in here. They’ll vote for the party that let them in and gives them free everything. That would be the Democrap party. They’ll skewer our elections from here on. The ‘rats will win every time. Voting should be reserved for US citizens ONLY.

  7. What ought to be done is the illegal aliens be found: deport all of them with foreign criminal records, any that have committed crimes while in the USA should pay the highest price pursuant to each crime then deported, if that is still viable. Vet those without criminal records and deport all that do not meet vetting standards.
    Locate all of the children separated from their families and reunite those families. Prosecute all those that had a hand in forcing the allowance of illegal aliens to enter our nation, those responsible for tearing children away from families and/or worse, from the top on down with charges of whatever is appropriate on up to treason with maximum penalty. This would include any within the “dark state”. I would like to see all those that have worked to bring this country down to LOSE their citizenship and be removed from the country, well those not charged and convicted of high crimes such as sex trafficking and treason. All that said, I realize we are fighting powers, strongholds and high places, so, I pray that those fighting blindly are given sight and revelation in order to make a final decision


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