I Got Kicked OUT Of A Kamala ‘Rally!’ Campaign Called COPS On Me For EXPOSING Their EMPTY Event



Being kicked out of a kamala campaign is an honor

She’s a dictator, this is why my family and I voted for Trump.


  1. It’s a badge of honor to get kicked out of a cackling Kamala campaign event. I wouldn’t even go to one. I can’t stand that cackling c-word or the idiots that go to see her.

  2. Odd thing is Jan, if you believe the polls, half of this country ARE idiots! I honestly find it hard to believe that all of those people can’t see thru the bullshit that spews from her mouth.

    • That is exactly what I keep asking myself–why don’t people get that she is a do nothing VEEP and would make a worse president; why would you vote for someone who wants open borders, higher crime rates, higher inflation, a terrible economy? Because, if you are honest about it, that is what she and Biden subscribed to for almost four years. Why would any intelligent person want another four years of the same thing?

  3. Those Tampa police may just find themselves in deep trouble for aiding and abetting a criminal, Kamaliar has committed several crimes and committed treason twice. That event was documented. IT’s now on the books. Why oh why can’t people, even the police do the proper research to find out about a persons’ background before they themselves break the law. Doesn’t look too good for law enforcement who are supposed to know the law.

  4. We’ll see how many people are idiots when this election is over. I voted to be “unburdened by what has been”. I voted for Trump and Republicans. I did it today, in fact.

  5. How can you vote for a man who is a felon and simulates oral sex on a national stage??? (Among a long list of other obsinities)

  6. Trump was convicted by a Soviet-style kangaroo court with a preordained verdict in a deep blue state. The convictions will be torpedoed upon appeal. I’ve never seen Trump simulate any type of sex. Have you been taking hits on Hunter’s crack pipe? Or perhaps smokin’ too much wacky tobaccy?


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