Migrant Gangs Start Taking Over Apartments in NYC…



Fleeing poverty is not a legitimate claim for asylum.

poverty is not a legal reason for asylum.


  1. Are you suggesting that it is impossible to put these perps in jail and keep them there until deported? That is an admitted total breakdown of law and order! Haven’t seen that reported anywhere. Is the news media and administration of NYC in cahoots with the gangs?

  2. The state of New York voted democrat again, so I guess NYC and the State of NY as well as voters in most northeastern states are happy with unvetted migrants, and desire even more. It’s practiaclly guaranteed that they are going to get more of them through Jan 2025, because I’m sure that Biden and Commie will do as much damage to the nation as possible before leaving office. If the mainstream media outlets are not covering this crisis in each state, they have blood on their hands. Politicians are not responsible to anyone except the migrants. Once the migrants have completely taken over, politicians will have no choice but to abscond with the remaing taxpayer money, and go hide somewhere. Unvetted mass immigration is not sustainable as evidenced by the fact that there is not even a plan to help anyone. The failure to defend our borders and citizens will not end happily for the US.

  3. It’s not fair to judge all New Yorkers based on the voting choices of some individuals. No one can ascertain the number of us who harbored hopes for that long-awaited change. What are the strategies to prevent gangs from seizing control of our apartment buildings? If unchecked, they could potentially dominate the entire city. Hey New York City keeping your doors locked isn’t going to keep them out, how are you going to protect yourself and your family.?


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