Ron DeSantis: This is a corrupt abuse of power



Never forget… this was never about Hunter. It was about Joe…

This was never ever about Hunter. This was really about Joe!!


  1. Ron DeSantis is correct. This is a corrupt abuse of power. I expect dopey ol’ Joe to pardon more of his turds, stooges and flunkies. Dopey ol’ Joe is a pos. He always was.

  2. Obummer once quipped, “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up”. He was spot on with that. Boy, did Joe ever f**k things up.

  3. This only proves what Trump has been saying for years, and the Biden crime family is just the tip of the iceberg! Obama, Pelosi,the Clintons, Schumer, Schiff,the junior Bush and the Cheney family and a whole slew of other degenerates of the deep state need to be permanently put out of business!

    • Convict all of them for treason then apply the max. punishment on all that is allowed by military tribunal, Hanging or firing squad. I would bet none of this would happen again.

  4. AND I AM SO HAPPY TO BE HERE AND REALLY WORIED about the fact that REAL AMERICAN Democracy May not exist anymore Because of the fact that DONALD TRUMP believes That HE can be a Great Leader and DICTATOR of all things about HIS OWN AMERICA 🇺🇸 👍👍‼️

    • How much are you being paid to be the continued Troll? America is not a democracy. We are a Republic if we can keep it. Trump never said he would be a dictator. Some idiot leftist made that comment to add to the other lies spouted by the media. You are really stuck in a rut and may never be able to crawl out.

    • Since the election, where Trump won in a landslide, and republicans won control of the House and Senate, we all seem to forget that socialist-left assholes still exist. Ha Ha, then a long comes JAG-OFF to remind us that degenerate individuals are still out there spewing nonsense.

  5. Idiot, democracy didn’t exist with dopey Joe at the helm. Recall the jab mandates and the battery powered car mandates? Democracy doesn’t exist in NY State with cuckoo Kathy Hochul at the helm. That bitch won “by the skin of her teeth”. We almost had a Republican governor in this shithole state. Betcha cuckoo Kathy gets her ass kicked out in 2026. I can hardly wait.

    • His name ” JAG” is a disgrace to the military and I bet he dose not even know what the REAL JAG is. JAG === Judge Advocate General.9

  6. JAG, you want to shoot some gook in the head at point blank range? This was during LBJ’s war. Many times, I want to go to sleep and not wake up again. So shut the f**k up, you asshole.


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