Robert De Niro CRIES After Getting Fired From Studio Due To WORST COMMENT EVER! HUGE FAIL



I don’t go to a dentist for legal advice…. so why would I listen to an actor for political advice?

De Niro’s pronouns are ‘douche’ and ‘bag’.


  1. Well, maybe Warner Bros is realizing that the toxic democrat freaks like Deniro (the Dinosaur), actually DO get people, like me, to avoid supporting him in any way. I feel the same about Meryl Streep too, with her lies. I try to go out of my way to not support their filth and hate speech.
    I also was sad that I had inadvertently supported him by spending alot of my hard earned money at a Japanese Sushi restaurant in CA a few years ago, that he is an investor, or part owner in.

    • Totally agree with you Tom. I avoid their movies like the plague. I wonder how long it will take the TV execs to realize that nearly all late night talk show hosts and SNL are affensing people and losing viewers.

  2. al you are a fool and very much like dino. Both of you know nothing of what you are saying. Dino has a big mouth and a rotten attitude that along with being mindless is his major problem. I for one is glad the fat mouth is gone. As the Bible states “the love of money is the root of all evil”. For your information your statement about Catholics is a bold faced lie. My wife is Catholic and is all out American as was her farther and brother. Father served in the Army in WWII and her brother in both the Army and then the Navy. Bet you never put the uniform on, did ya?

  3. For centuries, actors were looked upon as “court jesters”, fools whose only job was to make the king laugh. Times haven’t changed that much from where I stand. Deniro should take his boyfriend a crawl back into the closet where he belongs.

  4. Anyone that takes the Hollywood pretenders word for anything is just as foolish as the pretenders!
    Wake up and smell the coffee and watch what the DC whores are doing to your nation, don’t listen to what they are spewing!

  5. Deniro, the big mouth, has slandered President Trump, and as yet hasn’t been sued. He talked up a storm about the troubles Trump experienced at the machinations at the hands of democraps, yet he was there having new conferences at every opportunity.
    I hope President Trump gives him the ABC treatment.

  6. The Real man whore, convicted fellon, LIAR, fraudster, thief, sexual predator, despicable human being is HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY, Donald J Trump. The Husband cheater, the Womanizer, the Friend of Tyrants, and SHADY Leaders, like Putin OF Russia, ping of China, and Kim Jung Un of North Korea. This is the Real Scumbag, the COCKROACH, and the MAGA MAGGOT. ROBERT DE NIRO IS A BRAVE COURAGES MAN WITH STEAL BALLS.enough said.

    • Total BS! All the charges brought against Trump where to keep him from running And it didn’t work! And most of them are all falling apart now! I don’t know what world you live in but the last four years have been a living hell for most people! Highest inflation in over 40 years under Biden/Harris! War raging in Europe in the Middle East! Invasion of over 17 million illegals bringing crime and poverty at a cost of over $400 billion to the American taxpayers aside from the million crimes committed! An idiot De Niro keeps running his fat mouth and it hasn’t done him any good because nobody wants to see his scummy movies anymore! He’s just a Trump hating POS and look at where I got him!

    • You need more of that tds tea. You are an idiot low life anti American piece of dog shit. Hey denero jr wannabe. Suck a big black donkey dick the ones Denero sucks before a movie presentation. You dip shit

  7. It’s about time they got rid of DeNiro, he is just an old has been. There is a lot of people in Hollywood that needs to go.

  8. Don’t dis the people that “feed” you. There are a lot of so called stars I will not go see again. They live in a pretend world and want to tell me how to live? No I don’t want their advice.

  9. All my DVDs that I had, in-which De Niro appears in, are in the bottom of my fire pit! Worthless so-called human being! Karma is going to and will cost him! Hope he dies a lonely old man!

  10. I will never watch another denero movie. Ever. He’s a traitor piece of shit. He pissed off 60% of Americans with his hateful rhetoric towards America and our president. Fire his dumb ass. I hope he’s so broke he’s eating out a trash can in 5 years

  11. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and political affiliations. But don’t shove those opinions and affirmations down my throat. I don’t care if you’re an actor, sports athlete, singer… whatever. I pay to watch you act, play or sing, that’s it. Personally I think these owners, CEO’s, etc. need to start putting a clause in their contracts that the will do nothing to embarrass or cause financial loss to the organization & if they do, their contract is immediately breached and they will be terminated. End of story. If they don’t want to be in this country now, so long! Please, don’t come back…EVER! But what a kick in the teeth to all of us who made them
    multi millionaire.


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