BREAKING: US Capitol Bomb, New Orleans, Cyber Truck Killer | Trump & Musk at Risk!



I believe there is a government connection between them.

The driver of the Tesla and the New Orleans killer served at the same military base at some point. This is not a coincidence! Rented vehicles both from same rental app! This is not a coincidence!!


  1. well move the inauguration to a diffferent place
    watch who you invite and who shows up,
    needs to improve security and people you can trust to watch you,
    and have vance do a brief show and leave to home or where ever
    and yes it is odd trump tower and musk’s telsa
    the democrats are behind it and they cannot stand losing and continue destroying the country,

    • So very many of the Dems need to be in prison. Maybe they would learn something and stop trying to destroy our country. If not …..Hang em !

  2. Let’s just go out on a limb to explore everything and say the cyber truck was not detonated by the driver but by someone else to guarantee the driver would never talk. And surely there was some kind or terrorist organization behind the NOLA event with or without psych meds. Wilder also, the terrorist angle could be a smoke screen to conceal highly sophisticated organizations coordinating this event and the cyber truck car bomb. Anything is possible and nothing should be overlooked. And yes, all could be a overt warning to Trump. And do not dismiss the NJ drone activity as another indirect signal to the danger of a kamikaze drone attack on inauguration day or before. Nothing can be taken at face value. No investigative information releases can be assumed accurate or conclusive.

  3. In my opinion, since Musk owns the company that manufactures the electric vehicles, it is in Musk’s best interest that the explosion was NOT caused by something within the vehicle. He did show up in Las Vegas at the scene He also donated billions of dollars to the President-elects campaign. I think that this incident needs to be checked by an independent inspector that has zero connection to Donald Trump or Elon Musk. His is the only way that the truth will be found.


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