The REAL Cause of the Los Angeles Wildfires | The Truth Will INFURIATE You



Do people remember when Antifa was starting fires in the forests of Oregon 4 or 5 years ago? Well…

Newsome DESERVES to go to prison for this nightmare!


  1. The whole govt ( state and county) needs to be cleaned out and responsible Conservatives elected to get some semblance of sanity in Californicate !

    • well I guess, Georgia isn’t the only state paying for the pubic serpents to go on vacations and have sex with those (johns) they might have hired, with YOUR taxes. Call Ghana, tell them to KEEP HER. Traffic her if you wish….

  2. Hey California, look who is blaming anyone but himself for this man made disaster. Yep, it’s the pass the buck schmuck Newsom & he knows exactly what’s going on. I am a Texan & pray for Californias citizens to rise above this horrific crime that has been committed against them & their communities. Let’s take a look back at Lahaina for a moment, same criminal activity happened there. Strange coincidence, hell no, leftist globalists sending out their minions to carry out the NWO agenda,hell yes ! If we don’t stop this here & now, they will destroy everything & everyone in their path as they attempt to destroy everything thing God has created & place their very selfish & evil rules upon us all. Let us never ever forget, may God bless America & shine the light for all to see the pure evil amongst us all,Amen

  3. Newsom is the absolute worst governor we ever had in our country,he’s a dictator tyrant and must never be allowed to be president of America his policies have literally destroyed the once beautiful state of California and one can imagine what America would look like under his rule,the horseface they have in NY isn’t much better,just about every Demonrat run state has become a sewer under thier woke policies,its a tragedy what is happening in California and hopefully this is a wake up call to the voters there

  4. Wasn’t there already one person apprehended by citizens with a torch who was trying to set trash cans on fire who was taken in and released? Is this enforcing the law when you release someone who was trying to start more fires? I feel for the citizens of California going through this, but your officials seem to just be saying what you want to hear, but still not enforcing any laws. Only the citizens there can hold them accountable and it’s time you look at who you are voting for and whether they are providing for your needs or just wasting your hard-earned tax dollars on their progressive ideas. What is more important to you, your livelihood and possessions, the rights of people who aren’t citizens, and projects that don’t benefit you. If you think the latter, then you should not expect others to want to help you in the future. Now they want to say it’s global warming, arson, illegals, the homeless, or anything but their lack of doing their job is responsible for this disaster. They even put the safety of a fish, the smelt, above your safety and providing water for a problem they knew existed. You need to help yourselves first and the people you vote into office to represent you determine how things will get done. If you are not their first concern, you have voted for the wrong person and should realize they won’t provide the safety and services needed to protect you. They have every excuse now and want to call this a natural disaster, if they had made the improvements, could this have been prevented? Every fire they complain about powerlines going down, the money they have spent on illegals could have been used to repair, replace, and improve this problem. Reservoirs approved years ago haven’t been built, and fire hydrants weren’t repaired, was there preplanning or information provided to their citizens on where to go or what to do? An elected official’s job is to provide for the citizens in their state, town, or community not everyone else in the world and it’s time for them to start putting their citizens first and for citizens to demand it. With the knowledge of the high winds did they pre-position people or supplies? No, now they are saying you can’t have people standing around waiting for something to happen, are they kidding, this is not something that has never happened before. There should have been plans in place and people ready, this is done when other disasters are expected to happen and sometimes don’t occur like hurricanes. It is always better to be prepared before a disaster than to try to catch up after. The people who would have been deployed are already employees you pay to help and protect you and expect to be called upon. This isn’t their fault it is the people in charge who didn’t ask them to prepare. Compassion is nice but should come from the citizens directly or at a federal level if needed. The people now left with nothing are finding out that these local officials were more concerned about everyone else, not the people they should be there for, and won’t provide any funding to assist them recover. Any help they receive will come from the federal level and it won’t cover their loss, yet we send billions to help others and protect those who shouldn’t have it when they violate our laws. We have to start with our needs and then individuals should decide what they want to donate or provide to others. Neighbors helped neighbors and your elected officials have failed your communities and removed or reduced services you should have had. It is time to wake up because now some of you have nothing and won’t be able to help others and are looking for help. What you receive won’t be at the level we seem to always provide for the non-citizens in our country and you will be required to provide proof of your loss through reams of paperwork and information to get little in return for this effort and trying to find the necessary paperwork needed that may have been lost in the fires. Yet people who violate our laws get everything they need at our expense and aren’t required to provide any information except that they want and need help. I am praying for everyone affected by this and hoping you start expecting more from the people who are supposed to represent and protect you.

  5. Same problem here in NY State. Perps are arrested and then released with no bail, before the ink is dry. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul could fix this, but she’s not even trying.

    • YOU have the gov’t. that YOU deserve, because YOU vote for them, pay them and are clueless (don’t know) or apathetic (don’t care) until IT happens to YOU. And still, nothing is done, they are not held to account, YOU continue to pay them to abuse YOU? I know who the real idiots are in these equations…. the lemmings, who don’t know they are slaves to the STATE. Ruled by communist control freaks…. then beat your chest, and say how “FREE I AM” in Amerika? hopeless waifs

  6. No lightning. No power lines down. I don’t think the tent cities are in the rich areas. Just sporadic fires. Must be an arsonist. Newscum and Bass, both need to be fired. Total incompetence. Bass sounds like the perfect Diddycrat.

  7. Newscum wants everyone to drive battery powered cars. How you gonna recharge your battery powered car when the power is out? But that’s the point. The commoners will have to stay home with no heat, no light, and a dead car. That’s not how I want to live.


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