They can give it away, I’m not eating it even if it’s free, it’s hazardous to my health.
McDonald’s messed up when they decided to to go from fast food prices to sit-down fine dining prices for the same slop they’ve been serving for years!
Also, I am not sure what I am eating there…animal or vegetable.
Human, too
The problem that all fast food places have is being forced to pay career wages to people in entry level positions. Franchisees then have to cut staff, raise prices or both. The minimum wage for fast food workers has to be adjusted downward or the problem will be unsolvable.
The first they need to do is go back to animal fat French fries. The scam that is vegetable and and seed oils is the main culprit in obesity. Don’t believe me, look it up yourself.
We all should just say McDonald’s can go and FiretrUCK themselves !
I never see McDonalds employees wear hair restraints….many just wear hats with more hair hanging out of their hat than what is under the hat.
That included managers. So how can I believe that employees will engage in routine hand washing. This is something you cannot see. And food service gloves are rarely seen by food handlers. And often the cashiers are handling the dirty money and food at the same time. And the franchise owners are basically ANSENTEE OWNERS who must be on vacation 24/365.
Spot on!
The world is crashing it’s been going fairly slowly but is now noticeably picking up momentum! If anyone s interested in knowing why I can tell you, and my information is not based on feelings but plain old raw data, i.e. the ancient Hebrew prophets who have never been wrong are telling us these things we are seeing daily defines the end of the world as we know it!
Also they shouldn’t be wearing rings. Rings carry food and germs under them.