Watch Gavin Newsom Get Angry When Hosts Corrects His Lie with This Fact Live On-Air



And…..North Carolina is still suffering. Biden did nothing.

Newsom Lied and the Hydrants Died.


  1. Newscum lies, lies, lies. He’s like Joe Biden; every word he burps out is a lie. Newscum is responsible for all the problems California has right now.

    • IF there is one socialist LEFT in Amerika after 4 years, WE will have failed at our mission to restore the republic and become We the People again. The foolish, dumb, ridiculous, socialism will continue and many will die. Look at history, socialism usually ends in mass murder. We will be no different

    • What proof do you have that our votes are counted, that only American citizens vote and that the machines used aren’t already programmed? In year 2000, 90% of America went to machine voting and counting. That still assumes that every vote cast was counted. Some county election officials don’t even count the votes from some casting locations. Remember, all of the votes need to go to where all the votes are supposed to be counted. There are dozens of ways to cheat. Elections when still hand counted used to cost a hundred thousand dollars. Today, with all of the machines, elections cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

  2. Gavin Newsom is owned by China. Like K. Harris, he repeats his script. He relies on his charisma and looks, his smiles and winks.

  3. I’m born and raised in California and never have voted for a dumbassrat I voted to get newscum out that’s the closest I came to voting for them dumb asses.

  4. Yes, the greasy bastard relies on charisma, hair gel, smiles and winks. Here in NY State, I can’t believe cuckoo Kathy Hochul got reelected. Not by much. We almost had a Republican governor. He would have been MUCH better than cuckoo Kathy.

  5. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul is the quintessential dumb c**t. Totally clueless and rudderless. Focused on all the wrong things. There’s so much good she could do, but she isn’t even trying. Instead, she has to pander to the NY City ‘rats.

  6. Newscum has always been a liar. He’s a demoncrat. If it’s not the Delta Smelt, why are you not sending water to southern Commiefornia? Recall this jackass now.

  7. Many Californians like me cannot stand the Libtards however they have so much power and money. Their numbers and power come mainly from Los Angeles and San Francisco We tried to recall Newsome however they cheated and got many of the petitions thrown out There is no end to their lying and corruption
    to stay in power Many people like myself are tirelessly working to change the politics Hopefully, the new Trump era will help and the recent fires have further exposed their incompetence

  8. The majority of the people in California as well as the people in New York it seems they are not fed up enough to recall these jerkoffs out of office. To the ones who have tried to get these morons out it’s an uphill battle to find a way, such a horrible situation. I don’t understand how anyone could want a two timing liar to be in charge of their state! The sight of Newscum and Holchul is sickening and I sure hope these two plus many others who are in office and are liberal democrats trying to destroy our country with their lying policies that they get caught convicted and jailed for these despicable acts. Our country needs a thorough cleaning out and this is a good way to start.

  9. It pisses me off. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul is collecting a NYS paycheck and flying around in private jets, while she dreams up new ways to bleed money out of NYS residents. Her latest outrage is, a $9 toll just to drive into Manhattan. When will the idiot voters wake up and vote that useless c**t out? Government is supposed to work for us, not the other way around.


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