The entire crowd WENT SILENT as Trump unexpectedly popped UP!



If the WEF is upset about something, that’s a win for the world

Who here is glad that Trump is back to being Commander in Chief again


  1. There is a website called NextDoor that censors ALL speech. It is a site that is between neighborhoods in Denver, and they will toss you off, rewrite your post or allow you to tattle on another poster.. SO the government can’t do this anymore, but believe me, Censorship is alive and well and will be unless these web sites are given a few mandates about censorship. Is this even possible?. NextDoor is operated out of SANFRANCISO, the Left wing, gay. trani, rainbow, DEI, CRS, Open border hub of the universe. So, it needs to go much farther than the Government censoring… I agree, the government must do this, but so must private sites, such as NextDoor. I wrote ” Facts trump feelings any day of the week” and an AI censor popped up and told me I needed to rewrite my comment… I figure it was because I used the word TRUMP, so censorship against him in particular persists, in good ole Cali, and the Cali -wanna-be, Colorado

  2. Markie, with this past election, true Americans made a statement loud and clear. We will no longer allow the socialist left to control our lives! As hard as these sites you’ve mentioned censored the conservative message, our message still reached millions and these leftist groups failed miserably. These sites, along with CNN,MSNBC, and the “cows on the view” are scrambling to remain relevant, and I laugh in their face. To paraphrase an old Japanese admiral “all we have accomplished was to awaken a sleeping giant and filled it with terrible resolve” not sure if that quote is 100% correct, but you catch my meaning.


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