I took COBOL classes back in 1976. No wonder things are so screwed up. Why not use Punch Cards? The system is archaic and a better way to hide fraud, than with updated systems. The amounts of money that was stolen from the taxpayers, is astounding. Someone must be held accountable. I would say Joe Biden, but do we really think he’s smart enough to do this? Doubtful. On the other hand, Obama might be responsible.
No WONDER the Democrats always have money! . . . Probably even YOURS if they got the CHANCE.
Why not stop all recipients payments over 100 and see who complains.
I took COBOL classes back in 1976. No wonder things are so screwed up. Why not use Punch Cards? The system is archaic and a better way to hide fraud, than with updated systems. The amounts of money that was stolen from the taxpayers, is astounding. Someone must be held accountable. I would say Joe Biden, but do we really think he’s smart enough to do this? Doubtful. On the other hand, Obama might be responsible.
JJ Hibbs hit the nail on the head. Obama is guilty of false statehood