A. pencil neck, pathetic, lying, pos dipshift is a dirty, radical, destroying, trash talking, low-life, politician, pushing propaganda, and total lies. He has destroyed peoples lives with lies, and better stop it, if he knows what’s good for himself. People getting real tired of this sick, person, and trashing people, without proof. Be ready for a lawsuit.
A. pencil neck, pathetic, lying, pos dipshift is a dirty, radical, destroying, trash talking, low-life, politician, pushing propaganda, and total lies. He has destroyed peoples lives with lies, and better stop it, if he knows what’s good for himself. People getting real tired of this sick, person, and trashing people, without proof. Be ready for a lawsuit.
If he’s GUILTY – THROW him in PRISON with the REST of the TRAITORS.
Move over, Adam stinks like Schiff!!