There are a ton of corrupt Federal District judges whose only desire is to support the socialist/democrats and their quest to destroy our country. The deep state is so entrenched it will take years to root out all the evil doers! Trump and his team are moving fast by exposing the fraud and shutting down the money flow to these criminals. I can see that in the not too distant future, the DOJ will start impeachment proceedings against these corrupt judges. Trump is moving fast right out of the gate, to expose as much corruption as possible, so when the 2026 mid term elections occur, the American people can vote out more of the socialist representatives that support our destruction.
There are a ton of corrupt Federal District judges whose only desire is to support the socialist/democrats and their quest to destroy our country. The deep state is so entrenched it will take years to root out all the evil doers! Trump and his team are moving fast by exposing the fraud and shutting down the money flow to these criminals. I can see that in the not too distant future, the DOJ will start impeachment proceedings against these corrupt judges. Trump is moving fast right out of the gate, to expose as much corruption as possible, so when the 2026 mid term elections occur, the American people can vote out more of the socialist representatives that support our destruction.
Judges that destroy the constitution need to be disappeared!!! Whatever that looks like
Corrupt judges in NY City who refuse to prosecute hardened criminals, yet go after President Trump instead.