The whole perverted queer thing needs to go willingly back into the closet or be PUT back into the closet, ENOUGH of the stupid ignorance already!!!!!!
The liberal lunatic lying media is worthless. After Walter Cronkite retired from reporting, honest news was gone forever on the main street media outlets!! I hope I see in my lifetime that, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC no longer exists! It would bring a large smile across my face!
We already know the truth about Ukraine; (1) It’s not our fight. (2) Ukraine has a corrupt government, not unlike Russia. (3) This senseless war is helping to bankrupt America and depleting our military resources. (4) No matter how much we pour into Ukraine, the war will not be won. (5) It has the potential to become another Vietnam. (6) Like Vietnam, there’s nothing in it for us.
I’ll believe it when I see it done I don’t trust any Liberal Media.
The m s m has been communist for six decades every one of them need to be completely destroyed….
We were unpresidented when dopey ol’ Joe occupied the WH. I thank God that cackling Kammy didn’t win.
The whole perverted queer thing needs to go willingly back into the closet or be PUT back into the closet, ENOUGH of the stupid ignorance already!!!!!!
The liberal lunatic lying media is worthless. After Walter Cronkite retired from reporting, honest news was gone forever on the main street media outlets!! I hope I see in my lifetime that, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC no longer exists! It would bring a large smile across my face!
Hello been watching no spin with Bill Orilley seems to be only news worth taking in .
We already know the truth about Ukraine; (1) It’s not our fight. (2) Ukraine has a corrupt government, not unlike Russia. (3) This senseless war is helping to bankrupt America and depleting our military resources. (4) No matter how much we pour into Ukraine, the war will not be won. (5) It has the potential to become another Vietnam. (6) Like Vietnam, there’s nothing in it for us.