HOLY BOMBSHELL!! Whistleblower just confirmed the WORST SCANDAL of our lifetime!!!



Get the UN out of the US.
Get the US out of the UN.

Wow! Literally sick to my stomach. Trump was right about everything!!


  1. We need even more transparency. Watched Life, Liberty and Levin yesterday and they showed Zelinsky in a meeting with Obama/Bidens advisors AN HOUR before he was to sign the Minerals agreement. He was encouraged by them and, in particular an ass -kissing, Obama suck, Dem, Chris Murphy. D – Connecticut, to REFUSE the deal and demand more. So, America needs to be told this They need to be made aware of the subterfuge of the Left wing meddling in Peace efforts. Why is this not out there in the MEDIA? Letting us know the real story?? The Left wing is still backstabbing the new administration, using Bidens puppets to do it. This point NEEDS to be made PUBLIC, every hour on the hour. Zelinsky went in, KNOWING he would piss all over the deal, make DT and JDV look ridiculous and angry and hey ya’ll IT WORKED. He baited them and they took the worm. The Ukraine is still on its knees to the Biden( Obama) Crime Mafia. It just played out in front of the world. But we viewers were NOT made aware of the sneaky, sleight of hand that Zelinsky was trying to pull off. So, now he has run to the EU to back his lying ass up and drawn in many countries to support him. This may be a positive thing. Let Europe cover HIS and their asses as they have MUCH more to lose than we do and yet WE foot the g-damn bill. Let them pay to support against Putin. Zelinsky is a RAT, as he demonstrated, but we weren’t’ told…… He is a sneak, a Biden loyalist. A dk suck…. for the LEFT wing. He needs to be gone. DJT needs to keep him out behind the White House, if he comes back, where the dogs take a dump and pee. It is where he belongs with the dirty, little trick he tired to pull on the USA. He is playing the Right and Left of our nation against each other and he is giving aid, taking advice and still doing what the Left wing demands of him. What a nasty, yellow, two-faced thief sock -puppet. Go back to Ukraine and hide, you little turd.

    • Markie, You nailed it ! Most Democrats suffer from “Obama Arrogance” ! Even after a humiliating, landslide defeat in the November election they still feel that they are more intelligent and can’t grasp the fact that they are not.

  2. The problem is: is Europe using the money they get from the US to fund zelensky’s war? We need to stop supporting the world!

  3. It is time for a full blown investigation of all government agencies and all sitting members of Congress and the Biden/Harris Obama administrations to see just how much money is coming back to them as kickbacks

  4. Ukraine isn’t our fight. If Europe wants to fund Zelensky’s war, let them. Zelensky burped that he doesn’t want a cease fire. The war isn’t over until he says it is. So cut the little turd off. Zelensky wants US boots on the ground, NATO membership and he wants to take back Crimea. He’s delusional. None of that will happen.

  5. So, the treason goes even bigger and more public. No NATO. No Ukraine. No UN. The US gets nothing but insults. The Traitors among us met with Zelensky and encouraged him to treat Trump/Vance/America with total disrespect. Zelensky, a coke head, had a great time, then ran to the European Union/WEF puppets and got their condolences and support. Europe and the UK have already forgotten the sacrifices the US made in 1940-1946, and the vast monies spent protecting and rebuilding Europe and the UK. Americans receive nothing from the UN, nothing from WEF, nothing from Europe and nothing from the UK. With the trillions being spent on people and countries who have no kindness for Americans, we can support our own people and infrastructure. Eliminate the Traitors who have infiltrated into power, especially those sucking money and rewards from Americans. If you work in Congress, show us how your net worth now exceeds $10 Million, etc. If you are government employee, tell us what you are doing and why we should ensure you are paid anything.


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