We need to put this information on billboards so everyone sees it. And, we need to recover all of the stolen tax payer dollars. Plus, President Trump is correct we need to do away with taxes. The politicians can get there millions another way.
WE NEED TO do what the founders said to do! “alter, abolish or SEPARATE from such (evil) government. only a fool would continue to pay their abusers and claim to be free. The founders NEVER imagined that men could become cowards and sissies overnight (covid fear man, rather than GOD) (let your country be invaded, do nothing). puss siaze, wimps, knaves, lemmings
And they have MANY of these That is why they make a bill so long with the pork in it so they want take time to read it before passing it
We need to put this information on billboards so everyone sees it. And, we need to recover all of the stolen tax payer dollars. Plus, President Trump is correct we need to do away with taxes. The politicians can get there millions another way.
WE NEED TO do what the founders said to do! “alter, abolish or SEPARATE from such (evil) government. only a fool would continue to pay their abusers and claim to be free. The founders NEVER imagined that men could become cowards and sissies overnight (covid fear man, rather than GOD) (let your country be invaded, do nothing). puss siaze, wimps, knaves, lemmings
funding our enemies, foreign (moooooslime) and domestic (Hitlery Rotten Clinton)
Dirty rotten fkg thieves. that’s all the dumbocrap party is for, they cheat, rob, steal, murder, trash,total thieves.