Sign up to win a MAGA HAT. Winners will be chosen in 2 weeks. These are Trump Inc hats made in the USA. I look forward to send them to the winners. 3 lucky winners will get $500 cash in their hat. Good luck and beware of scammers pretending to be me. Trump’s GENIUS PLAN just scored another BIG WIN!!
This is a WINNING defamation lawsuit!! I’m with you, Elon!
“and to oppose ALL terrorist, foreign and domestic”. Trump took an oath. He is the only one I know that is keeping his oath. ALL the people that admitted to lying to congress and confessed to committing crimes, NONE have been arrested? WHY? A corrupt gov’t. institution that has been wasting, laundering and STAELING our taxes and putting the money in their pockets. THANK YOU Elon Musk and Donald Trump. Keep cleaning house, keep defunding the STUPIDITY and the EVIL pubic serpents. Elon Musk, the African American, is going to sue the lying N1663R Bowman? need to withhold federal funds from his district, just like sloppy Joe Obiden did to hurricane victims in North Carolina. Make shim/they squeal like the pig that he/they is. Play the coon’s game. WIN WIN WIN !