All this Corruption since Obama needs to be held Accountable
They should all be arrested and tried for Treason. Who has any Balls left to clean up this Corruption
They should put into Law a President cannot Pardon his family for any reason. The Biden’s are so Corrupt since Obama Administration! He should be removed and Harris for Open Borders against the Constitution
Illegal actions Treason Putting all Americans in Danger Waisting our Tax Payers dollars on Illegals
The Bidens got their holidays mixed up. In the White House, it’s Mardi Gras, not Christmas.
All this Corruption since Obama needs to be held Accountable
They should all be arrested and tried for Treason. Who has any Balls left to clean up this Corruption
They should put into Law a President cannot Pardon his family for any reason. The Biden’s are so Corrupt since Obama Administration! He should be removed and Harris for Open Borders against the Constitution
Illegal actions Treason Putting all Americans in Danger Waisting our Tax Payers dollars on Illegals