The apple does not fall far from the TREE! And so it goes! Of course he will be pardoned!! Little Hunter will get off free! Of course the world will not stop, at least until little old POOPY PANTS can take the good old road.
Perhaps , perhaps ehr perhaps NOW WILL PEOPLE open their eyes? No not as long as Poopypants tells them, no more stress about paying your bills, JUST elect me and I will say………..No more bills, you are too kind and sensitive to have to worry? JUST let the rich CONSERVATIVES PAY!!!
The apple does not fall far from the TREE! And so it goes! Of course he will be pardoned!! Little Hunter will get off free! Of course the world will not stop, at least until little old POOPY PANTS can take the good old road.
Perhaps , perhaps ehr perhaps NOW WILL PEOPLE open their eyes? No not as long as Poopypants tells them, no more stress about paying your bills, JUST elect me and I will say………..No more bills, you are too kind and sensitive to have to worry? JUST let the rich CONSERVATIVES PAY!!!