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Charleston White WRECKS HAVOC On The Black Community

Charleston White WRECKS HAVOC On The Black Community



Not just entitlement. It’s almost as if there’s a “unofficial competition” going to see who can be the biggest victim and the most oppressed

My parents came here from Mexico in 1960 with only the clothes on their backs.

They never asked for, nor received, a penny of government welfare.

They raised 4 American sons (the last being born in 1973).

We were poor by American standards, but our poverty was what motivated my parents to work hard and be self-reliant.

They eventually purchased a home and are now comfortably retired.

There was never any force, legal or otherwise, working to keep my family down.

In this great country our ours, the level of achievement one can attain is limited only by the amount of hard work and sacrifice one is willing to invest.

I am not a Mexican-American, I am an American and I am damn proud of it.

May God Bless every patriot, of every color, creed, and even orientation out there.

I salute you all, my beloved countrymen.

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