NO CATHOLIC is an AMERICAN, they are CATHOLICS, and failed forever. Look south of the USA for proof. An entire continent, all CATHOLIC and exactly 100% FAILURE.
Vote for ANY CATHOLIC, or ‘woke’ or anyone that does not believe in the Constitution of the USA and you vote for a traitor and failure forever. CATHOLIC is an international crime syndicate which calls itself a religion.
Biden: I’m not a very smart man. I am a CATHOLIC traitor.
BUT I ‘m not nearly as stupid as the CATHOLIC traitors that support me.
R and D mean nothing. A third of all ‘elected’ are CATHOLIC, not Americans. 150,000
Russians invade Ukraine. What about the 500 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC
invaders from ‘down south’. Invading the USA? ? ? ?
F J Bidet CATHOLIC TRAITOR has ‘given’ Ukraine over $44 Billion. Now another $40 B is
on the way! The wall protecting the south border would have cost less than $1B to
get completed. America first, and protect the border from the ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC
INVADERS. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor. CATHOLIC is an international crime syndicate which calls itself a religion.
NO CATHOLIC is an AMERICAN, they are CATHOLICS, and failed forever. Look south of the USA for proof. An entire continent, all CATHOLIC and exactly 100% FAILURE.
Vote for ANY CATHOLIC, or ‘woke’ or anyone that does not believe in the Constitution of the USA and you vote for a traitor and failure forever. CATHOLIC is an international crime syndicate which calls itself a religion.
Biden: I’m not a very smart man. I am a CATHOLIC traitor.
BUT I ‘m not nearly as stupid as the CATHOLIC traitors that support me.
R and D mean nothing. A third of all ‘elected’ are CATHOLIC, not Americans. 150,000
Russians invade Ukraine. What about the 500 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC
invaders from ‘down south’. Invading the USA? ? ? ?
F J Bidet CATHOLIC TRAITOR has ‘given’ Ukraine over $44 Billion. Now another $40 B is
on the way! The wall protecting the south border would have cost less than $1B to
get completed. America first, and protect the border from the ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC
INVADERS. Vote for ANY CATHOLIC and you vote for a traitor. CATHOLIC is an international crime syndicate which calls itself a religion.