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Don’t Make These Mistakes After A Self Defense Shooting From Top Self Defense Attorney

Don’t Make These Mistakes After A Self Defense Shooting From Top Self Defense Attorney



Thanks for having me, brother. Really enjoyed our conversation (and the energy). Keep fighting the good fight!

I was looking at 18 years in prison in a self-defense case, and i didn’t even have a gun. My public defender and the prosecutors were both horrible. I had to take the stand to save my own life. 3 years of my life lost stressing as they charged and dropped the charges several times. And then the trial. In a different state where i was on vacation so the air travel broke me. The prosecutor called my work and tried to get me fired. After my innocent verdict, they did fire me for missing work due to being at the trial. Compete hell, and to this day, i still don’t feel like i won anything because I didn’t. I just suffered less than I ultimately could have
We need better protections in this country for self defense!

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