You got it 100% wrong. This all makes Elon Musk look like a total shit. America fought the Mormons’ immorality, and how is Elon Musk any different from Joseph Smith and the rest of that despicable crew? Musk wants hundreds of sexual partners and thousands of offspring, none of whom he will feel the slightest bit of responsibility for. How does that reflect on so-called American family values? Answer: Not well at all. Masculine fantasies aside, this paper’s trashing of some female who had a baby makes your abortion hating views look juvenile. Musk’s great wealth is due to the billions he is paid by America. Wake up, you female hating trash.
You got it 100% wrong. This all makes Elon Musk look like a total shit. America fought the Mormons’ immorality, and how is Elon Musk any different from Joseph Smith and the rest of that despicable crew? Musk wants hundreds of sexual partners and thousands of offspring, none of whom he will feel the slightest bit of responsibility for. How does that reflect on so-called American family values? Answer: Not well at all. Masculine fantasies aside, this paper’s trashing of some female who had a baby makes your abortion hating views look juvenile. Musk’s great wealth is due to the billions he is paid by America. Wake up, you female hating trash.