She works my nerves. I was on birth control and ended up pregnant with my oldest. He is now legally an adult. Things happen in life grow the hell up and take responsibility for your actions.
I am a 36 year old woman, I was raped at 16 after leaving my 16th birthday that a friend threw for me. When I noticed the illegal activities that was going on around the house I started to walk home. Very stupid of me of course, I should have called my father regardless the late hour but sadly being young came with also being stupid. Long story short I was raped on the side of the road and was left.. Fast forward I found out I was pregnant from the rapist and instead of never being sexually active before my rape and not even being finished with high school and even after the trauma I still chose to keep my daughter who is now 19 and living on her own and is a hard working American citizen. I understand some cannot look at the child with out seeing the rapist but in my case I just looked at it things happen for a reason, I refuse to be a victim and I refuse to not give my baby who like her mother didn’t ask for this situation but deserved the very least to live and move on and remember every life is a blessing regardless of how that life came to be. Women forget we are resilient and how strong we truly are and can be.