The Stereotypical Black Queer Mindset is Disturbing



I am black been all around the world, and one thing that pisses me off more than any other is when people think America oppresses or that America is extremely racist. I have been to South Africa, Ukraine, Japan, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, France, Afghanistan, Iraq, China and lastly Israel (You cannot visit most Muslim nations if you had been to Israel). If you think “america needs to be like Europe” take a look at the rapes and kidnappings that goes on their from their immigration policies and how if you say the wrong thing you go straight to jail that is NOT freedom. If you are black and you think Africa gives af about you NO they hate you just as much as they hate white africans so you best stick to the safe/tourist areas unless you wanna get robbed, kidnapped or get killed by an animal you have zero expirence dealing with (puff adders and crocs infested waters). If you wanna see who is the most racist take a trip to Japan, China, South Korea yall remember them signs in the old movies that said “No colored people” Yea they got those also expect to pay more for goods than your asian friends there because there is a foreigner tax on some of it (not exclusive to blacks they tax all foreigners). America is legit the best place to be for your individual rights, we got a gun issue but think about it at least we punish those who act a fool with their guns, go to mexico you may be killed just for existing, wanting to visit that absolutely beautiful place and the people that killed you will get away with it and even brag online about it. Finally, Ukraine they do NOT like us they are NOT democracy they are a communist nation we should NOT be supporting them especially since they ARE going to turn against us at some point.

Conservative is conserving common sense, Conservatives don’t try to fix something that’s not broken they keep it, And seek to fix those things that can be fixed and should be fixed.


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