ICC, the kangaroo court, has no balls to arrest real crime against humanity like HAMAS, but to arrest law abiding people in country like the Philippine. I’d call it great injustice against humanity. I am not a Filipino. But I am a frequent visitor to the Philippines for the past 40 years. Manila international Airport was once the most dangerous place to land. It was not until Duterte became president that he clean up the gangs that ruled the airport. Sometime you have to take drastic measures to root out decades of criminal activities and return law and order back to your country. Deterte did just that. Filipino people should be proud of his achievements. The Marco administration should never have allowed this to happen. Shame on them.
I’m a kenyan and ICC arresting Durtete was wrong. He was fighting brutal drug cartels for the good of his nation and as such he should be unconditionally freed.