Fox Let Tucker Go For Not Surrendering To Status Quo: Dick Morris And John Jordan



This guy hit the nail on the head. It was never about Trump is that he didn’t represent the establishment.

People like watching honest people.


  1. Basically, the Murdoch family is Leftist/Democrat in political ideas. Even though father Rupert wanted to enjoy the high financial rewards of the popularity of Conservative hosts on his network; his sons and daughters-in-law eventually prevailed over him – most especially after Rupert turned Fox News management over to son Lachlan. As long as Fox News was almost alone among major news networks in broadcasting Conservative views during prime time (evenings); the heavy following of Conservative viewers followed Fox. Several daytime Fox shows also carried the Conservative imprint. One America News Network tried to be neutral; and eventually reflected truth too plain to miss by objective reporters. OANN became targeted and their advertisers, under pressure through boycotts, pulled away. The One World Order influencers pulled with their numbers of backers to stifle Conservative views from going on the air. The Clintons and the Obamas had successfully seeded government agencies and courts with heavy numbers of Leftists. Trump proved a successfully developing threat to their planned overtaking of all information dispersal – narrative control, a control like Adolph Hitler had achieved in pre-WW2 Germany. The Bilderbergher group of elitists behind the scenes in many major nations are continuing trying to control everyone, whether directly or indirectly. Tucker Carlson is their latest target getting removed from their path to total domination; simply because Tucker was being given great regard (in number of listeners) as a source of truth in news – not the Leftist-controlled narrative intended to break America down from giving impact to people in the world trying to achieve freedoms through non-corrupted governments. The very name “Dominion Voting Systems” should be a major clue, as to the goals of those wanting to use Dominion. They want to dominate everyone and everything.
    Tom Streets

  2. Tom Streets, well said. Democrats are not Democrats, that’s a myth, they are Socialist Communist that like China, and Russia are totalitarian, and that’s what they are trying so hard to make our country a socialist country. Obama went to Cuba to meet Raul Castro, Obama is a communist since he was brought up in Indonesia, a Muslim country, which I know perfectly well, since I live in Jakarta before, as well as in China where I worked at Tonghzou City, China. Their desperation for power goes beyond any border, our country is not longer safe, our democracy is none existence, the DOJ, FBI, no longer perform their duties, the law is not applied evenly, Republicans now being controlled by this regime that wants silence every voice of opposition. The next elections republicans have to do their job to stop this murdering administration, every agency of this administration are perverts, and the head office is a maniac, who is being manipulated by Obama and many others. THIS NEXT ELECTION MUST BE THE ONE THAT BRING OUR COUNTRY BACK TO BE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FREE FROM ALL THESE PERVERSE DEMOCRATS.


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