Kari Lake Shocks America With Unexpected Announcement That Is About To Rock Washington Dc



Kari Lake is a true American Patriot. America needs her voice in politics.

she finally publicly announced it I’ll be voting for her


  1. Kari Lake most definitely doesn’t have any backup in her. That’s what this country really needs no matter which party a person belongs to, Republican or Democrat. What we don’t need is what we now have. The start of a totaileran government run by either a bunch of Communists or Fascists. Take your pick. In spite of what we’ve been told, a two party government has worked very well for many years and the U.S. has been the country nearly all others look to for help. Just look back, we freed the world from oppression nearly single handedly twice in the 20th century alone. WW1 and WW2.

  2. We have AG Alvin Bragg stretching the law in multiple ways to fulfill his election promise to railroad President Trump. And now a bill is being proposed in the House called “The Alvin Bill.” Does that mean all Manhattan ADA’s should now be referred to as “Alvin’s Chipmunks?”

    • You need to take a good look at what’s happening…..you surely don’t believe that our government is going in the right direction…..with all the lies the democrats have told…you enjoy paying the prices your paying…for everything from food to gas…and let me guess it’s trumps fault…right…the administration that’s running things now had nothing to do with the destabilizing of our country…get your head out of the sand…….

    • You are a lying bastard just like those other Fascist pieces of dog shit that call them Democrats and are nothing but a bunch of anti-American bastards we defeated during WW2 and now are running our country thanks to a bunch of moronic idiots who voted for them. I’ve been voting for presidents since 1946 when I reached the legal age of 21 (as it should be) after serving my teen years like so many others we left behind when we finally came home in 1945. If you don’t like FOX don’t watch it. And as for Trump, he’s the only president I ever voted FOR rather than against someone else and had to take a lesser of two evils. Looking back I wasn’t disappointed. When Trump was in office we had a secure border, good national defense, good national security, good employment, a good economy, inflation was something like 1% and the U.S. wasn’t on the verge of going bankrupt. What do we have now with your obvious hero, Biden in power? EVERYTHING IS TOTALLY SCREWED UP! Don’t kid yourself stupid, when we get into it with China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, WE WILL NOT WIN simply because Biden has practically destroyed the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps, the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force. Actually, World War Two is the last conflict we actually did win. I sincerely hope people like you are really proud of what you’ve done to help destroy what was once the most free and successful nation in the world. Other countries used to turn to us for help. Who do they turn to now? It most definitely isn’t this country. SO THANKS! THANKS FOR NOTHING!


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