ABC Finally Responds To Whistleblower Claim They RIGGED Debate, Kamala Got Questions in Advance



Kamala does NOT deserve another chance! I agree with Donald 110 %

Hello from West Virginia!!! Trump is not Republican or a Democrat. He is The Party Of The People!!!!! Vote Trump!!!!!


  1. Kamala is evil, period. She is lying to your face and mark my words she will return to the evil radical person she is IF she gets to WH. In over 3 1/2 years she has worked with Biden doing everything they can to destroy America as we know it. High inflation, gas prices, heating costs, electric bills sky high, and food has skyrocketed. Open boarders letting in unvetted criminals murdering, raping, robbing American citizens. Now they are even invading peoples homes forcing them out under gun threats. They ALL need to be deported ASAP. Enough is enough. Don’t believe a dam word out of any Democrats mouth. They are the party or lies and cover ups. NOT TO BE TRUSTED AT ALL. DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY. KAMALA IS POISON TO AMERICA

  2. Without notes or a teleprompter Harris would show the people just how much she isn’t capable of running the country,she couldn’t run a self service laundromat let alone America,a vote for Harris is a vote for socialism and the end of America and our freedom,stop voting blue,Trump 2024 the one who puts America first unlike the corrupt,anti-american Demonrats

  3. Cackling Kammy is too incompetent to run a lemonade stand. ABC absolutely shared the questions with her prior to the debate. They went after Trump, but they never questioned any of cackling Kammy’s lies.

  4. What do you expect from the company that keeps the View on the air that Spews their hatred of Trump for entire the hour that they’re on the air every day that they are on the air. Is possible for them to have a guest and not bring up how much they hate Trump or try to get their quest to agree with them as a part of being on their show?

  5. The extremely one-sided daily presentation on “The View” is exactly what the Leftist/Democrat network wants to be presented. Each person who has ATTEMPTED to be the token Conservative on that show has Ben subjected to the same four-against-one arguments intended to “prove correctness” of the Leftism which is the foundation of that show. Elizabeth Hasselbeck tried, nobly, but was verbally abused, heavily for doing so. Even a Never-Trumper RINO who tried to half-way represent Conservatism was eventually pressured to leave. Visiting “guests” were verbally pummeled by Joye Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, and the others. It is probably the worst prejudice existing consistently on a long-standing televised program. The fact of even calling the show “The View” instead of “A View” shows that there is ZERO consideration for allowance of a valid viewpoint differing from theirs! The show is an arm of propaganda through narrative control for the Democrat/Socialist/Communist Party!!!!!


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