ABC News CAUGHT As Trump Now Gaining Early Vote SURGE!



Go President Donald Trump 2024!!!

I live in Pennsylvania and I will vote for Trump is the best president of my lifetime I am only 41 years old when he was present I felt safer than ever things were cheaper I could live better I am struggling now our borders are out of control Harris had three and a half years to do something she’s done nothing but now she wants to change everything come on wake up America it’s all a lie Trump 2024 we love you president Trump we need you


  1. Pres Trump was one of the best and this Country needs him NOW more than before He could have done so much for the Country if it wasnt for the rinos mitch and ryan who worked for the lobbies’ and not the country PRES TRUMP 2024

  2. ABC has the most bias assholes, I have ever seen. the whole thing was a bias set up to screw Trump over. D. Muir is a pos, I will not watch this channel any more.

  3. Have to wonder, if Trump was so good, why did he loose the reelection by over 10 million votes? Maybe the only thing made great was his ego?

  4. Joe why dont you get your facts right. Biden got 81 mil. Trump 75 mil. And you liberals say Trump lies. Also rhe reason Trump lost was because of a corrupt and fraudulent election. You know it and I know it. Go MAGA.

  5. As I see it the Democrats like to live in the negative. What has Biden and Harris actually given you? Open Boarders, with that high crime, High prices, housing cost that is out of reach. More homeless people. While the Illegals get free housing, welfare, free medical. What have they given to the American people? “NOTHING” (Not easy to live on your paycheck), They condemn Trump He is not a Nazi or a Dictator He loves this country, we were better off 4 years ago. I even managed to save a little money in toughs years. Sadly to say but because of the inflation cause by Biden and Harris that too is gone. Yes I will again for the 3rd time vote for “Trump” I want the country I grew up in And Love. GO MAGA. Make America Great Again!


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