‘Absolutely insane’: TV host on damning report about Biden’s mental fitness entering office



His entire administration is guilty! They should have reported he wasn’t fit. They should all be charged with the cover up, all about power!

Yet another “conspiracy” that turned out to be true…


  1. Every decision made since his inauguration should be null and void. We did not elect Obama or his minions to make presidential decisions!

      • after our HEROIC exit from Afghanistan, many veterans were saying “after being in country for a couple months, I didn’t know who the enemy was” ? and WE were there for 20 years? This is like Viet Nam DEJA VU ? trillion$ of dollar$ wa$ted? for sand? Amerika is the evil empire. We have buildings where it is legal to kill people (abortion) just like NAZI Germany did 80 years ago? WHAT the hell are We the Sheeople doing? being hypocrites

  2. They all knew he was incompetent on day one. Are we now supposed to call them heroes because they confess their knowledge after he is replaced as President? They would not have said a word if he had won. Its all power play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shame on all them, just worthless lying politicians. None of them worth a damn.

  3. Some of the blame should be given to Jill Biden who wanted to be First Lady so bad that she covered up many of Joe’s problems. And, for Biden to make so many changes just days before he leaves office, is unreal.

  4. I knew he was senile in 2020. The ‘rats all knew it, yet they covered it up. He should not be signing all sorts of un-American bills as he walks out the door. All the shit he signed should be declared null and void.

  5. Everybody knew that Joe was unfit to be president, yet close to 50% of Americans voted for him in 2020. We all knew that Kamala is unfit to be dog-catcher, let alone be president, and yet over 45% of Americans voted for her. So I ask you, is half of this country so stupid, as to allow Obama to influence their decisions? I still, to this day, 4yrs later, question the intelligence of anybody who voted for Biden!

  6. In 2020 when he first was running, you could see the decline. Even when he was VP he wasn’t all there. This man has been one of the most corrupt President’s we’ve ever had, and for no one around him not to speak up says it all. He is a racist has been his whole life, if you go back and see videos of comments he has made. He thought Americans were stupid and just wanted to get millions from deals. Obama is just as much to blame, he should have spoken up, but he’s corrupt too. Hopefully Trump can save the country from ruin, this will be the toughest job.


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