African Leader Goes VIRAL For His Take On US Foreign Aid PAUSE!



If our government has so much money to throw it away we are paying too much in taxes.

38 trillion in debt and giving money to all these other Countries, completely irresponsible.


  1. Republicans will have to win for the next twenty years to clean up the mess left by the demoncrats. These crying liberals have burned through the taxpayers money for years.

    • Agree 100%. Our federal gov’t has become a bottomless cesspool. When you look at its enormity and how encompassing the swamp has become it’ll take an entire decade. At minimum.

  2. Excellent commentary and so true. Kudos to Kenyan leader for his comments. We need to return to our history of being a compassionate nation who helps other countries with true needs, not frivolous requests.

  3. We need to find out how much money was being kicked back from the countries getting aid to U.S. politicians. That is the real crime here!

  4. I agree, 1000% with everything. Trump has done so far. Let’s get the education education. Let’s get all these teachers teaching queer c*** out.
    And stop all financial aid to all foreign countries. Let them start earning their own keep.

  5. USAid was created by an executive order by Kennedy. It can be struck down by any other POTUS’ executive order. It morphed over yrs to an “ATM” of US citizens’ taxes overseen by various/sundry unelected, un-overseen (by Congress or other) to include outrageous projects on which this money was dumped. As a “middle class” boomer, I’ve felt the burden of Atlas on my shoulders in taxes to support “programs” like this all my working life, more so & heavier as the yrs roll on. Now I must, in my 70’s, retire & fear that I will not be able to maintain myself & my needs unless someone like Trump upends this whole crazy, Progressive crap game that’s been going on for yrs & yrs…run by the Octogenarians in D. C. that have been there, enriching themselves, for 50 or plus yrs. P.S. I live in SoCal & I get avocados here, I can pick myself…& also buy domestic beers, even local craft beers….just in case Schumer thinks I will suffer without an immigrant to “serve me” w/these. Also grow my own tomatoes effortlessly …to excess….in a small garden, so I don’t need an illegal alien to do any of this for me. I have plenty of salsa for game day. We Americans, no matter our geography, are not helpless idiots in need of imported “serfs” to “help” us.


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