America’s Worst Presidents! | Facts Ep. 9



Don’t forget about the fact that Woodrow Wilson is responsible for the federal income tax and federal reserve.

Honorable mention is Andrew Johnson. His handling of reconstruction and race issues of the time can still be felt today.


  1. We’ve had some bad presidents, for sure. In my humble opinion, Joe Biden is the worst. He was supposed to be the great “uniter”. But he spewed hatred and division and divided our country even more. No president in history presided over and open border and allowed millions of illegal aliens to pour in here. Biden also ignored SCOTUS decisions. I could go on and on about this stupid, bumbling imbecile of a president.

  2. I wanna say Biden was the worst but I can’t cause I never acknowledged him as president, more like a Usurper. Obama should’ve never been president since he was born in Kenya. Only thing IMO the Demonrats have been masters at stealing elections and destroying America. Never voted for a single demonrat never will n I’m from a Blue city in Texas.

  3. Correct. Obummer may have been born in Kenya. Therefore, he should never have been president. Biden is Obummer’s brain-dead puppet. Obummer is the one “pulling the strings” from behind the curtain. Everything Biden did has Obummer’s fingerprints all over it. Well, Obummer’s third term is about to come to a screeching halt.

  4. Excellent and well considered list, tho’ Joe Biden’s absence is glaring – from COVID to Afghanistan to Ukraine to Gaza to the US-Iranian confrontation and proxy wars, he’s been a disaster – and that’s not counting his virtual destruction of the American economy (and Hunter is just a footnote to his moral depravity and corruption). Otherwise, it’s pretty accurate, tho’ Shapiro errs in crediting LBJ with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the ensuing Voting Rights Act. In fact, those were Republican initiatives, strenuously opposed by the “Dixiecrat” contingent (of which LBJ was a member) within the Democratic Party. Only when the first bill reached his desk in the White House did he switch positions. He sensed the inevitability of its passage, even over a Presidential veto and correctly calculated that further resistance would alienate the black vote which he was assiduously courting with his Great Society initiatives. Accordingly, when a substantial group of Democrat legislators showed up to urge him to veto the bill, he refused, not out of any moral calculations but out of political ones. Per him (and this is attested to by multiple attendees), he persuaded these recalcitrant Democrats to allow the bill to take effect by pointing out the political benefits to be derived from it, cynically noting that Democratic support of the bill would ensure that “the Democratic Party will own the n*****s for the next 200 years”, whereupon he not only signed the bill but began a propaganda campaign to convince the populace that the whole thing was actually a Democratic initiative, carried out over Republican obstruction. It’s a measure of his success (thanks, in large part, to the complicity of the MSM, which, even then, was becoming politically partisan) that most Americans, if asked, think that these two bills were actually the consequence of liberal Democrats carrying the standard for civil rights, a complete inversion of the reality. Amazingly, even Ben Shapiro seems to have bought into the lie, a measure of how successful that gaslighting effort was.

  5. Where’s Joe Biden! He should be on top of the list, I get that he was never in control, but he let it all happen. There’s a special place in hell for him and the Obamas

  6. Absolutely. The only place Biden can go is hell. No other venue will have him. He’ll be there with Obummer, Queen Nancy, LBJ, Andy Cuomo, cuckoo Kathy Hochul, etc.

  7. I agree with all the comments posted that Beijing Biden was the worst President in American history. I have to give Biden a salute with my middle finger so he can share that with his swamp team as well as his behind the curtain (pulling the strings) pieces of crap Obama. Hillary and Soros. I must say that I don’t think President Trump should use his office to enact revenge because that would be stooping to their level. I do hope the political and private crimes of the Biden administration don’t go unpunished. They’re gonna need to build a bigger jail !

    • I don’t want Trump to use his posistion for revenge but I do want to see them clean the swamp and tell the American people the truth about JFK, 9-11, Epstein and Jan. 6th.

  8. The Biden crime family administration is the worst Presidental administration of all times. This administration tride to destroyed America….tried to destroyed the American families..they should be healed accountable for what they have done to all of Americans….


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