Bernie Sanders LOSES HIS MIND As Audience ERUPTS After RFK EXPOSES His CORRUPTION At Senate Hearing!



And how much money has big pharma given to you Ms. Warren???

The only person Bernie Sanders has lifted out of poverty is Bernie Sanders


  1. I hate Liz Warren. Get that lying bitch outta my sight. I don’t believe the politicians got the “real deal” Covid jabs. Not the same poison they wanted us commoners to get. Who knows? They could have been injected with saline solution.

  2. We are not the commoners. Congress and Senate work for us. They are our employees. They are the commoners. (They are supposed to work for us but think we are their slaves). I don’t blame you; I hate Warren too but that is Liz Warren 2.0, not the real one. Many of the lawmakers have been replaced. CGI, body doubles, etc. I’ve been doing over ten years of study on our government and those in it. Nearly 90% of them have criminal activity that they are still involved with. All of it is really bad.

  3. Government is supposed to work for us, not the other way around. For the last 4 years, and particularly here in NY State, we work for the government. The government makes the rules, tells us what we can and cannot do, and taxes the s**t out of us. It’s past time ol’ Uncle Bernie was voted out and sent out to pasture.

  4. If The View gives Warren free public access to attack RFK, Jr. are they not obligated to give him equal time to refute her accusations?

  5. Pull the plug and let the draining begin,let’s see how the corrupt,anti-american Demonrats like it when the shoe is on the other foot,thier lies and corruption is going to catch up to them because karma is a bitch

  6. Does Bernie have so little respect for “the people” that we believe the $2 million comes from those earning less than $100,000. Right Bernie, and the VAX cures COVID.

  7. Pocahontas, is a raging loonatic, who gets big money from big pharma, over $1,000,000 a yr, just like socialist, 3 houses bernie, getting money, over $1,000,000 from big pharma, both lying,pos senators, both need to retire. And stfu when they don’t know what their talking about, 2 hypocrites. lol

  8. The Covid jab won’t cure Covid. It won’t prevent you from getting Covid and transmitting Covid. Indeed, it could cause you to get sick and die. Thanks, but no thanks.

  9. Elizabeth Pick-a-Nose Warren Fake Indian Woman, and Ber Nard the corruptible the Demo-Nazi-Party Propaganda media keep bringing these nincompoop’s back , how tiresome


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