because We the Sheeople are clueless of the Uni-Party. The gov’t. hates you, will throw you in jail IF you don’t pay them to “allow” you to live on GOD’s green earth. Pay your dues on April 15th. celebrate your holiday on April 1st (fools). socialism usually ends in mass murder, Amerika will be no different. IT will be our second round with this TYPE OF carnage (1861-1865). WILL YOU SURVIVE?
Certainly, dopey Joe left us in danger. We don’t know who the hell is entering our country across our southern border. This son on a bitch needs to be arrested, charged with treason, and face the firing squad. I would gladly be a member of the squad. Aim for his crotch.
I begged voters in 2020 to not vote for Biden but they did along with the rigging. What a disastrous mess the Dems have created for our country. Everyone watch your step now as the terrorists cells are hidden everywhere to get the Americans.
many have admitted to crimes during house investigations and questioning. NEVER was the Sargent at Arms called to process (arrest & hold) anyone. Just more time wasted, more making YOU “feel” like your money is being used wisely. This is where Hitlery Rotten Clinton gets all her “no one is above the law” crap from. “laws for thee, but NOT for me”. OBEY ye sheeople & SHUT UP !
And why Biden hasn’t been arrested.
because We the Sheeople are clueless of the Uni-Party. The gov’t. hates you, will throw you in jail IF you don’t pay them to “allow” you to live on GOD’s green earth. Pay your dues on April 15th. celebrate your holiday on April 1st (fools). socialism usually ends in mass murder, Amerika will be no different. IT will be our second round with this TYPE OF carnage (1861-1865). WILL YOU SURVIVE?
Certainly, dopey Joe left us in danger. We don’t know who the hell is entering our country across our southern border. This son on a bitch needs to be arrested, charged with treason, and face the firing squad. I would gladly be a member of the squad. Aim for his crotch.
I begged voters in 2020 to not vote for Biden but they did along with the rigging. What a disastrous mess the Dems have created for our country. Everyone watch your step now as the terrorists cells are hidden everywhere to get the Americans.
To much corruption with Democrats, Biden and Liz work for terrorist, because they have done nothing for the American people except put us in Danger.
many have admitted to crimes during house investigations and questioning. NEVER was the Sargent at Arms called to process (arrest & hold) anyone. Just more time wasted, more making YOU “feel” like your money is being used wisely. This is where Hitlery Rotten Clinton gets all her “no one is above the law” crap from. “laws for thee, but NOT for me”. OBEY ye sheeople & SHUT UP !