Bill Maher HUMILIATES Nancy Pelosi after STUPID comment!



Mister 1920 SOAP- 15% using code AMAZING:
Are the preparing the JAIL TRUMP on Sept 18?
Why is NANCY PELOSI saying given illegals more money but not fighting for Americans?

I’m voting for a REAL president and leader that loves and cares about his country and people President Donald J TRUMP !!!! NOT Kameleon Harris. !!!


  1. If they try to jail Trump, he will be murdered almost immediately. This will be a civil war, and I will gladly put my life on the line to preserve our Republic.

    • Thank you for your bravery but writing this can accuse anyone of criminal behavior for hate language and can be deleted or censored with 24 hours censoring of posting or it can be permanently.

      • sounds like democracy (MOB RULE) to you? More like a dick-tator-ship (of fools) to me. That republic you talk about? IT died in 1865, along with 660 000 citizens. Amerika has been socialist since then. Became an oligarchy, after the insurrection of Nov. 22 1963. JFK murdered by the deep STATE and the MIC that Eisenhower warned us about. We have wasted $23 trillion on the unGREATful SOCIETY. They are still separate, still NOT equal.

  2. Democrats don’t care about illegals they only cate about a permanent voter base because REAL Americans hate Democrats for running this country into the ground. They are STEALING our tax dollars to pay for their horrible policies.

  3. This is the process to turn USA into Communism dictatorship as foretold in prophecy New Testament REVELATION ONE WORLD GOV controlled by Satan the Devil father of lies and forced mandate of MICRO-CHIP on right hand or forehead inorder to buy or sell – appears the ANTI-CHRIST may come from the USA who has world domination at this point as the SUPER POWER. SO you need to worship the US ONE WORLD GOV domination which will force all nations to identify as 666 BEAST – in GOD’s TERMINOLOGY BEAST = GOVERNMENT or POLITICAL MACHINE THAT IS EVIL. ONLY THE USA AT THIS POINT TORTURES ITS CHILDREN WITH TRANSEXUAL SURGERY OF THEIR GENITALS AT YOUNG AGES AND THIS IS CRIMINAL AND CHILD ABUSE IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE AS THE GOVERNMENT AND PROFESSIONALS WHOM WE TRUST ARE DOING THIS TO THE YOUNG CHILDREN IN SOME CASES AGE 10 OR YOUNGER. They are testing the water as far as what is the limit American, true citizens will take before they revolt en masse and turn it into Civil War. This regime of Obama, Biden, Clintons, Soros, Pelosi, Harris-Tampon Tim Walz wants a dictatorship Communist nation so they use the vote of illegals/undocumented… NO DOCUMENT=ILLEGAL entry and these people are not vetted. The fool pastors of churches that took in illegals into their church basements regretted it after they stole church valuables and absconded only to admit they will never do it again. These fool pastors learned their lessons. No where in the Bible does it state that a man cannot protect his property boundary with fences with self-defense against intruders, trespassers, illegals, criminals. No where does it state that a nation cannot protect its borders against illegals or intruders or trespassers that have no documentations. Kindness to a stranger means showing them where the marketplace is not giving them a free house. The illegals are taking advantage, including criminals, at the true American citizen tax payer expense. IF ANYONE VOTED Harris, IF it is fair election in NOV 2024, then the American citizens are fools or illiterate or uninformed and they will cause the downfall of the USA and in the aftermath will be kicking themselves for making the wrong decision but it will be too late as Christians and Republicans may be incarcerated or executed for their beliefs in Christianity and Bible truths and values. It can come as soon as 2025. And many pseudo Christians will fall prey and join the Demoncrat FALSE leaders. Very few true Christian patriots with true faith will be left. It will be fight to defend your life, families, homes or flight to the communist nations who represent: FAMILY, 2 SEXes ONLY which means 2 PRONOUNS only, SKILLS ONLY IN SCHOOLS, anti LBTGT indoctrination, ANTI-ABORTION, ANTI-TRANS surgery, CONTROLLED BORDERS, ANTI-PORN, ANIT-DRUGS, SUPPORT NATION’S’ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, NATIONAL ATHEMS, PATRITOISM, NATIONALISM – NO ONE WORLD GOV! Other nations who espouse this may include: Angola, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, besides all the communist nations world-wide

  4. Democrat party policy… Steal from the producers to give to themselves and the criminal illegal invaders! And the weak-minded continue to vote for that criminal behavior!

  5. Why doesn’t she give her millions that she robbed from inside trading. Jail her. Martha Stwart was jailed for inside trading so why not Nancy.

  6. Harris/Democrats/communists = America last; Americans last; freedom crushed.

    Trump/GOP = America first; Americans first; freedom reigns

  7. I believe that Kamala Harris is completely out of touch with what is really happening, She kept going on about how in the US. we only had to work one job to get by. She’s from LA a month ago I drove through LA/Beverly Hills area and there are so many homeless camped out on the street.What is she talking about? saying we are the greatest country and so together that you only have to work one job? If a person is making minimum wage now 20.00 an hour there is no way they can afford to have a car ( gas in California is 5.00 a gallon and diesel is 6.00 a gallon),buy food, and pay rent . Rents are out of hand it’s $2,000. a month for a studio apt. and what if you have children? She needs to stop and have a look around and check out the facts before she mouths off. She sits in her million dollar home and seems to be oblivious to reality.


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