Biological Male Allowed to Destroy Female Boxer in Paris Olympics



The women should flat out refuse to participate with the men…. problem solved

The Olympics is officially not legitimate anymore. An obvious skip.


  1. The Old womens rights crowd would NEVER aloud that to happen But these day the women rights need all the male its they can get since they cant fight with out a male leadership I dont think the women should participate to lose just ok i want fight this male are any other sport But dems dont care about ppl as long as they do as told There motto is believe me not your lieing eyes it seem

    • Jerry, you and I both know that biological males identifying as women do not have the capability of ANY level of male leadership. And yes, you are correct in stating that Democrats do NOT care about people, especially women. Okay, the Feminists who insist they support women’s athletics and also claim to support biological males identifying as women in women’s athletics have some sort of disorder. Sorry, Feminists, this is called an ‘oxymoron.’

  2. Any male who fights against a woman, is either a shovenist ahole, or can’t compete against other men. Not good enough in a mans world. They should not be allowed to go against women just so they can beat them. If they have to partisapate, do it with those of their own kind and NOT with women>>>>>>

  3. I first want to say I’m honored to be a woman because every other man wants to be one! I also feel that a man who changed to a woman is still a man. That being said he/she is a woman beating coward!

    • Amen sister. Any man who does this is a punk ass bitch. Not good enough to compete against men so he takes a few shot/pills and becomes a woman. When you can’t figure out if a dog is male or female you look underneath, why don’t they just make em drop their pants. If something is not tampered with then you got your answer.

  4. Liberals just want women beat up and children molested. The democrat party and their global counterparts are home to the KKK, racism, mysogyny, and pedophilia.

  5. No, the IOC made the incorrect decision. I guess the IOC is waiting for a woman to finally die from injuries suffered by the hands of a biological male. Who will be the sacrifice? Will it be a mother, a sister, a niece, a wife, or a daughter? That is what everyone should be thinking about. This is why biological males are competing against women. Since they are not top-level male athletes, biological male athletes decide they now identify as a women. Now, they can compete against women so they can win. In my opinion, this is so cowardly! The IOC is encouraging these cowardly acts.

  6. This is total bullshit. A man should fight a man, vis versa, a woman against a woman. Trans crap, is total crap, we call mental illness. no man can become a woman, and no woman can become a man. That is a freak of nature, not what GOD intended. No more men beating up woman, or some woman will end up dying, so wake fk up, and stop this sickness.

  7. I heard that Mike Tyson said he would identify as as a woman and change his name to Michelle to fight in the Olympics against the bio male that defeated a woman competitor.

  8. If this rag is in some kind of false-headline contest, I’d guess it just won. Imane Khelif has “identified,” and legally, physically, physiologically and psychologically BEEN, female since her birth. “Do your own research,” people.
    Oh – or were you all just outraged that a pretty woman with a European name ceded to a less-pretty woman with a Muslim/Arabic-sounding name?

    • Well Sandi if someone who is a morph beats the crap out of your or your kids them, we’ll just “let it go” because it’s a freak of nature. Everyone got her handle, so we feel no sympathy if it happens to her.


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