BREAKING: Trump’s Plan For The Military Just Leaked And Now Every General In DC Is Freaking Out



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Fauci to jail!!!!!!!!!


  1. Firing the Pentagon Leadership. The thing is will they be replaced with good people. For My money Trump needs to Look at Cols, LtC, Navy Captains, and Commanders for the Secretary Job of the Services and the Sec of Defense. We need people who were and are close to the guys on the front lines running things not Politicians or old guys long removed from harms way. We need real law enforcement people who actually have recently patrolled streets, investigated crimes and made arrests with out a swat team and armor in support. Cops who understand they make arrests and lock people up and then talk to the Prosecutors.

  2. The politicians should have to fight the wars that they start, along with their kids. Don’t send other folk’s sons and daughters.

  3. Hitting at the root problem, Joke Biden n Kamala YOU’RE FIRED. We know it’s not going to be easy but We the people stand with you President Trump.

  4. Democrats can’t seem to understand that Trump is going to make America strong and speak from a position of power which is good for our allies. He will honor treaties all they have to do is their fair share. America is no longer funding the majority of their defense.

  5. People of USA – the handout train has blown it’s last whistle. Pray for your needs to be met. Pray for new streams of income. As some people say: they pray as a last resort. No, trouble lurking, ask God to intervene. Ask God for multimillion $ ideas so you can help those who cannot help themselves. Time to ask God for the impossible!

  6. This is very simple folks keep sending the illegal invaders to the democrat run cities… send them by the millions, after all that is what the democrats continue to vote for!

  7. Getting rid of illegals and there anchor babies because they causting tax payers millions if not billions of dollars to keep them here and give them jobs. Americans still have to pay taxes and pay for the illegals to be here and get free medical benefits. Americans pay for all of this, why? We don’t get free medical, we pay taxes, they don’t, some of our veterans got kicked out of where they were living to make room for the illegals. These people fought for our country. The Biden adm. put illegals 1st then the american people last.

  8. Patricia, I agree 100%. They come in here, pop a kid, and they’re instant citizens. As my late Aunt Amelia would say, “This shit has gotta stop”. Deport the freeloaders, kids or no kids. They’re getting benefits that us citizens cannot get. Why? Stop rewarding, start deporting.

  9. I hope President Trump remember’s that Marine Lt Colonel they gave the boot to. That Marine would be a fine Secretary of Defense. Get those that gave away Bagram and $85,000,000,000 of our weaponry p, vehicles, A/C to the enemy. The wrong guy got the shaft. Bring Milley back and Court Martial him for Treason. He went to the enemy and told them “he’d let them know if Trump was going to do anything”. What a disgrace to our country! Just like that Lindman Charachter that northern Virginia made a Senator??? This guy was working in the White House for the Commander in Chief. He told Congress at am Impeachment, “He didn’t like President Trump’s tone on a phone call checking into Bribem’s corruption”. My god you Democrats aren’t just stupid, you’re anti-American! That pos should have been court-martialed.

  10. I am so excited to hear about the changes already in progress. Our country needs to take control of the mess that the liberals have created and Trump is the man to do it.


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