I’m a Minnesotan, Walz has always been a horrible governor, a rotten person, and a lier.

I’m a Michiganian. Praying and voting for Donald Trump for the third time! He’s the last hope for our country!


  1. These are no longer dumbocraps, of old like J.Kenedy,’s, they are progressive, radical, liberal, socialist, marxist, commies, they don’t want to help this country, they want total socialism, fk american citizens who are barely making it. These two unfit, embarrassments, for pres and vp is ridiculous, neither qualified for jobs, both lying con artists, who are as corrupt as hidenbiden. Vote for these two, would be the end of America.

  2. It is unnerving and confidence destroying to see the kind
    of people that gain high office by lying about good people
    like Donald Trump, put them in jail, trash their reputations
    and more! At this time I only see the night ahead.

  3. So you – – support a liar, convicted felon, molester who tried to overturn a fair election (he LOST 60 court cases that challenged the election- Oh, 60 corrupt courts – REALLY???)- and I already know what you are going to say, so don’t bother.

    I guess you think the state should own a woman’s body, right? My question is WHY? Why is that okay with you?

    • Molester? Liar? Are you referring to Biden now.. sure sounds like it. Lied on last debate about number of war deaths on his watch. Openly & awkwardly gropes young girls in multiple clips. You can see the girls move away from his uncomfortable touches – yuck!

      Sounds like abortion is your biggest issue- which is given back to the states. You are still able to kill your baby if that’s what you want so badly, just not after 12 weeks in most states. While still deplorable as it is, what are you complaining about still- you have what you want?! Trump has already said abortion is still an option on his ticket for safety of mother & rape cases.

      • Margaret Sparrow, religion is the issue that makes you say “killing a baby.” Guess what – there is more than one religion! This is a nation of religious freedom is it not? Not all believe a clump of cells is a baby.

        If you believe tRump I feel sorry for you as he lies so frequently. If a federal bill banning abortion completely came across his desk he would sign it.

        Why is it the government’s business to be there in the doctor’s office anyway? IT’S NOT!

        And Margaret, can you explain why fomenting a riot and keeping government documents when asked to give them back (you know, those nuclear secrets) is okay? What about that part?

  4. They have showed videos of the dems stealing the election in 2020 but nothing was done about it. They slid in votes from dead people, how low is that. I’d vote for President Trump any time. We had a boarder policy that didn’t let in murderers and rapist, we could afford to live now we can’t.
    The dems want to kill baby’s, they want to allow abortions right up the day they’re born. Why is that ok to you?
    That’s straight out murder. It makes me sick just thinking about that.
    Trump 2024

    • Robin Harvey, tRump went to court on those issues you mention and he LOST 60 times. So all of those courts were corrupt? Is that what you are saying?

      It is great that you have religious beliefs that call a clump of cells a baby. That’s fine. But it just isn’t EVERYONE’S belief. No one has an abortion up to the day a baby is born. Look that up on a neutral website. That is just NOT TRUE!

      We had a great border bill in Congress that BOTH sides agreed on that would have solved many border problems. tRump told the Repubs to not vote on it. Look that up too. On a politically neutral website. You are just not getting the truth at the places that you get your information.

  5. Remember The movie Good Morning America and the officer wearing a campaign hat in Vietnan says he loves the smell of Napalm in the morning. Who advised recently she would open her window to enjoy the smell of tires burning? Talk about bizarre

  6. BTW, it was Nate Holden that was on the helicopter ride with tRump, not Willie Brown. tRump said Willie Brown because he needed someone who knew Kamala Harris so he could say that Brown said bad things about her. (Willie Brown praises VP Harris.) Did tRump think no one would fact check this? Or maybe he is just getting senile.


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